Saturday, July 9, 2016

This World Is Slowly Coming Undone

I cannot begin to understand this.  So many killed just because they happen to have dark skin?
And then, shooting police officers in the back, because of the previous shootings?
What is this? The wild west?
On top of this, the climate's gone bonkers, weather's all screwed up, and all our lawmakers can do is try to save the pocketbooks of big corporations, and argue about emails and other nonsense instead of doing something to see to it that ALL Americans have justice and the freedom to go about their lives without fear.

Yes, things are getting scary out there.  But really, they always have been.  We've just been forced to look at it more closely lately.  We DO need to change.  Hate, suspicion and violence cannot be permitted to continue.  We have to listen to each other, really listen, understand the fears on both sides, and yes, there are fears that the cynical play on to pit poor whites against blacks and other minorities.  Those fears are unfounded, but that matters not to the elite who profit from keeping folks divided.  We have got to start thinking about how others feel. People like me, who have had certain advantages that we pretty much took for granted, have to examine that and see where we need to be humble and grateful, and what we can do to ensure EVERYONE gets those advantages. There IS enough to go around, we just have to let go of greed, and we'll see it.  Easier said than done, I know.  All of it is.  Easy to say that we ought to change, hard as heck to do the work.  The work MUST be done.

In the midst of all this sorrow, anger, and soul-searching, I have been cleaning out my office.  Found some things that made me smile.  Valentine notes from coworkers, most precious, one from Melodie, who was taken from us by cancer a while back.  Old love letters from Matt.  Oh, my, did the boy ever have it BAD!  (So did I!) 32 years later, and we're still together...
I have cleaned out the file drawers, the closet, and most of my desk.  Reorganized the bookshelves, both in my office credenza and in the closet.  Looks a lot less like things are going to fall on me now. Everything on my weekend to do list is done, except the laundry.  I can do that tomorrow after church.  I got several limbs off the pecan tree yesterday, and Matt got the little electric chain saw going today to chop up the last of the big pieces so they'd fit in the trash.  The pecan tree is no longer rubbing the crepe myrtle, which is a good thing.  I got both yards mowed well before last night's rain hit, and the entirety of today, except for a walk, was spent sorting, cleaning, and tossing things in this office.  Whew.  Church and laundry are going to feel like a vacation!

I am blessed right now with an embarrassing number of wonderful fountain pens.  I guess I'll have to get busy and put more time in with those journals of mine!

There is also a story I've been working on for MONTHS, and I just might be able to coax it along to a finish before much longer.  (My proofreader is either going to love me or hate me.)

I have a birthday card or two to make tomorrow, as well as a budget to fuss, so it won't just be church and laundry.
Right now, however, it's National Pina Colada Day, so I'm going to make myself one, and sit here with my feet up enjoying it and reading fanfiction!  (It's how I relax!)
Until next time, be well, and be good to each other!

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