Saturday, July 2, 2016

Dispatches From The Beginnings of Summer


Yesterday was very hot, but we got the lawn and other yard work done early enough.
Had a chance to watch Pan's Labyrinth, and thoroughly enjoyed it.
In spite of the very loud thunderstorm and heavy rain that showed up.
After that, we noticed the air conditioner was blowing warm air.
Just what you need on a VERY stifling evening.
Thank goodness for ceiling fans, and our little portable oscillating fan.
Using those on high speed, we spent a mostly comfortable, if rather droningly noisy night.
The call in to the repair service we contract with paid off.
We missed church, but we had our air conditioning fixed before the time we normally would have returned home form church.
The budget wasn't squeezed too badly, and oh, the air is wondrously cool in here again.

I declared today a day of lethargy and gluttony.  No exercise, and I didn't particularly watch what I ate.
I did do the laundry and get the grocery list written, however.

Grocery shopping done, all workouts done, voice lesson accomplished, and the dishwasher run.  Busy day.


Yikes!  This week has gone QUICKLY!!
Matt only worked half a day today, and I took a day of leave, because SOONERCON started today!  It's our hometown con, so we go out and support our local fan fun.  I bought one of the t-shirts because they are actually nice looking, and so are the badges/passes the gave us.  WAAAYY  nicer looking than the ones from that giant con (that was a con-game) in Houston.  Got to meet Vic Mignogna and checked in with Larry Nemecek again.  Will see them both again tomorrow, and Sunday, too, most likely.
My "Come Not Between The Dragons" Poster now has Vic's signature on it, too.  (Gigi, Michelle, and Chris signed it in Houston.)

I bid against a coworker on a piece of art in the art auction.  Hope there are no hard feelings.  I just wanted to let the artist know the item is appreciated!

Didn't even go check on the item I bid on.  Pretty sure someone has outbid me.  Had a good time, got to chat with Larry Nemecek and Vic Mignogna again today.  Taking Vic some extra USDI buttons tomorrow.


Buttons made and delivered, and he seemed very happy to receive them.  Good panel discussions today, and got to visit with Larry, Vic, and Count Gregore (John Ferguson) again today.  All have a million funny stories to tell!

We capped off our weekend by treating ourselves to dinner at Saltgrass Steakhouse.  The food, service, and margaritas are always excellent there!

Another week gone, and I still haven't finished this post!!  Four new fountain pens have shown up, making the writing self very happy, and the writing supplies hoarder is overjoyed!

I have written a couple of fan fiction stories, and they have been published on Tunnel Tales!  Tunnel Tales

Here is the poem I wrote that appears at the end of To Be Made Whole Again

When I feel the need
To be absolved of sin
It's your arms I seek
To be held within
Where no harm can find me
There to be made whole again.

You are my light
My strength and hope
When I fear the night
You help me cope.

Say you'll let me help you
When the grief closes in
Let me stay and hold you
Make you whole again.

I don't know if my muse will give me any more stories about Beauty and the Beast, but I do enjoy the times that a story just shows up asking to be written.

Wish I had something more profound to say, but it's Saturday, and I'm at work, and laundry awaits me when I get home.

Kind of hard to be profound in the midst of so much day to day-ness.

So, I hope you enjoy this short bit from the beginning of summer.

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