Friday, June 29, 2012

Dry Plants and Dead Squirrels - Or Why I Hate Summer

I always forget how horribly oppressive the heat is in the Summer.  I also forget that here in Oklahoma, there is the added joy of Gulf moisture added to that heat.  Ugh.  I never knew just how much I could perspire until we moved here. 
There has been a demised squirrel on the street in front of the house since late yesterday afternoon.  (Mostly because neither of us could find it in ourselves to go scoop it up and dispose of its poor little body.)  The plants in the back yard are about dead because I never go out there anymore.  (No Bear to let out, no reason to open the back door.)
So, this afternoon I have the hoses going in both yards in the flower and herb beds.  The squirrel is still in the street.  I am not strong enough to face going out to pick that up in this heat. 
Other than those endeavors, I have been lazy today.  Oh, I started the laundry that I will not be home to do tomorrow, ( working @ the library 8:30-5), and I went to Target to get some stuff we needed, I also got some of my Facebook albums cleaned up.  I've been messing around online and reading more than anything.  I did get my walk in, which makes me feel better.  It is also about the only time I listen to music anymore.  I've added a few more albums of stuff I liked in high school to the mp3 player, so now I have even more eclectic variety than I used to.  There is still a LOT of opera on there.
I have done some prep work for my table display and book talk at our Reader's Extravaganza that will be held on July 17.  There will be photos to go with all this text at the end.  I'm too lethargic to work them in amongst the text today. 
If we are not too heat-distressed or allergy laden, we may join the throng at Buck Thomas Park tonight for the last Summer Nights Music In The Park concert which our library sponsors.  There is always a large library contingent present.  Thinking of going to a local burger joint for dinner first.  Maybe.  
There is shortbread to be made this evening.  There will be red velvet cupcakes with cream cheese icing made sometime before Sunday, also.  It is our turn to bring goodies on Sunday. 
So , I guess you can say that I am pretty busy.  Why do I still feel like such a lazy clod?

Here's a test of what may be part of my book display.
 Here is the cat saying that my evil purse must die.  She attacks it every evening.
 I found this sticker amongst the many Star Trek stickers I have left from the last batch purchase from TK Graphics.  This one is Beauty and the Beast related.  Mouse use to always say this.
 Above, plants trying to recover from my neglect.

Right, the poor demised squirrel.
To the left, the potted plants on the patio are faring somewhat better...