(Begun on February 25, 2016)
I know, Birthday Week isn't completely over yet, but today IS my birthday, and I have some observations to record.
Monday was most definitely a Monday, even on Birthday Week. I had to grocery shop, put away groceries, and go to my voice lesson, just like always.
Tuesday, things starting getting more fun. I went out and bought two new pair of Brooks Ghost 8 running shoes, because the two pair I bought in July have very little tread left on the soles. NOT safe for walking like I do anymore. New shoes were a must, and I love these shoes. So glad Dick's Sporting Goods still carries them.
On Tuesday, I also made a trip to Kohl's and to Payless Shoe Source, where I replaced many items that were worn out and/or now too big for me. (I'd still been making do with slacks for work that were really too big for me. The clearance racks at Kohl's provided some much needed wardrobe renewal!) New shoes were a must, too, as I had only one pair of flats suitable for work, and I really needed more presentable comfy shoes.
Wednesday was another shopping day. This time I went to Penney's. I found several different colors of a style of shirt I LOVE because it is so versatile in my wardrobe for work, church, even casual wear, AND THEY WERE ON SALE!! BIG price reduction. Felt very lucky.
Then, when chatting with the young cashier, I heard something that made me wonder if my life's work had been in vain. She HATES to read!! Oh, dear LORD, that is NOT something you say to someone who is not only a bookworm, but a former teacher and a current library employee!! I told her she just hadn't met the right author yet, and she needed to keep trying. I also told her that the library has free audiobooks, if you'd rather listen than read. No law says you have to finish a book you don't enjoy. Just totally FLOORED me that someone did not read AT ALL!! Also, she seemed to be HAPPY about it! Nobody read stories to that child, I'm betting. Nobody introduced her to Alice, or Bilbo Baggins, or Mr. Toad, or Dorothy and Toto. What a sad, one-dimensional life she must have. She is in school, so I am hoping someone MAKES her take a literature class, and that she has a wonderful professor who will introduce her to the reason reading can be FUN. Escape, adventure, new knowledge - all there, between the covers of a book!
I also hope that if she hates reading because she has difficulty with it, that someone will find out and find a way to help her. There are LOTS of adult literacy services available here that are free and confidential. I just hate to see anyone miss out on the joy. Sigh. If we had stayed in CA, I would have finished my Reading Specialist credential, and I'd probably still be in the trenches teaching kids AND grownups how to read and enjoy reading. So, dear cheerful child, telling THIS library lady that you don't like to read was NOT a good idea!
Today, my actual birthday, and it has been a glorious day. The sun was out, the wind was out of the North and a bit chilly, but the day was just gorgeous.
Even better were all the greetings, well wishes, and even a few gifts from friends and family all over the world! I am truly blessed, and all of my friends mean SO much to me, just to know that you care about me as much as I care about you, it's really a blessing.
I got up today and got my walk and weight workout done, then headed off to the salon for my haircut, and then went down to Norman to get the oil changed in the car. Once that was done, I went to Target to look around, and found a new set of rugs for our front hall! A very nice change, and much needed!
I then decided to check out the Norman Kohl's, and found a neat reversible vest to wear while walking, a new long-sleeved walking shirt, a pair of "yoga leggings", and a new pair of black skinny jeans. All in all a good day. (I also found a few things for others who have birthdays coming soon...)
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Fresh haircut, new sweater, new shirt, new earrings and necklace, tired birthday girl. |
So, I wanted to have some really deep thoughts to post, but I think the two margaritas I had at dinner may have rendered that idea a non-starter.
I am just really happy, really full of a good steak dinner, and have a dining room table full of flowers courtesy of my friends Fi, Geoff and Hayden, and my dear Husband, who sent me flower arrangements for my birthday.
Also, my friend Kevin posted the following picture on my Facebook page with the caption: "I got you a present, but he broke loose."
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Said Kevin: "I got you a present, but he broke loose." |
I think I may treat myself to a massage and facial tomorrow. I've never had either one before, so I think it's a long overdue indulgence. I have the money, for once, so I think I'll try. I just hope the ticklishness is not an issue...
I did indeed get a massage,neck, shoulders and back only, and a facial today. It was a very relaxing experience. Maybe I won't wake up with a sore shoulder in the morning.
Also, Matt and I went to a tasting event at Nosh this evening, and then stopped at Brand Name Mattress Gallery and ordered a new mattress and box spring. (Ours are shot.) This was made possible because of a small bequest from my Mom. We'd been saving toward a new mattress, but now we can go ahead and get it.
I have done a little writing over the last couple of days, I shall post my daily bits below.
I must say once again that I am beyond blessed by the kindness of all my friends near and far. I have been showered with love, and I truly do appreciate it. You know who you are, and you know I love you!
Daily reading/writing:
"I have a Gumbie cat in mind..."
I cannot read this one anymore without hearing Mr. Lloyd Webber's music.
This poem is more in the way of anthropomorphizing the cat than the previous poem, also far more than Bukowski EVER did.
This Gumbie cat is quite the household busybody and do-gooder , out to improve the lot of all the other creatures in the household.
If you have ever dealt with a certain species of small- town lady, this cat is VERY familiar.
There is always someone, usually a lady of a "certain age" , who gets things going in the community as far as education and training, and things SHE feels are of benefit to the community as a whole. I've met a few cats like this, but usually not cats we owned. The female cat we lost a few years ago now was a diva. an opera fan, and very much "in charge". We called her "Madame", even though her name was Skye She had an established routine, a way things were preferred to be done. and Heaven help you if you caused a delay or disruption!
"Growltiger's Last Stand"
Here we have Eliot telling an epic story for us of a cat who caused trouble wherever he went.
He terrorized everyone, and consequently, no one came to his aid when an enemy got him surrounded.
Perhaps the lesson here is that if you are a bully, and use and abuse others, NO ONE will be sorry to see you go - they may even line up to help those who seek to do you harm.
It's my birthday -
I've had a busy and very enjoyable day. So many greetings from all over.
I am truly blessed.
So many times I wonder if what I do in this world is noticed - and then a day like this comes along, and I know it is. I know that those I cherish also cherish me. It means more than I can say, my heart is so full, I just can't hold all the joy!
"His disobliging ways are a matter of a habit." - Rum Tum Tugger -T.S.Eliot
Again- cat behavior as human behavior. Cats are independent creatures really. Made to be hunters- only "tamed" by us for their own convenience.
That said, we can see Mr. Eliot;s point all too easily - the cat who never seems to be satisfied unless he's put someone to trouble on his behalf.
How many, many people do we see like this? How often are we like this ourselves? It would behoove us perhaps, to remember that humans are NOT really meant to be independent hunters- we were created with a need for each other.
Being social is a part of what we are - even those who are introverted- we need other people around if only to know that the world goes on-
The world as it is today is a very INTERDEPENDENT place. We need each other, or nothing works.
We need perhaps to be a little more mindful and a little more kind to everyone around, for everyone has something to contribute, and certainly without those that monitor and maintain our power plants, our water treatment facilities, those who clean up after everyone, those who transport food and other things we need, those that grow the food, well where WOULD we be?
Almost no one lives in such a place, or has such knowledge and resources to provide all those things for themselves anymore. Therefore, let us be amused by the "Rum Tum Tugger's " behavior, for he is a cat, but let us not emulate it, for we NEED each other and we should be ever mindful of that.