Saturday, February 8, 2014

Brain Fog

When one is ill, or even just a bit run down, one's brain tends to go on little vacations.  You find yourself standing in a room wondering why you came in, you stop in the middle of a sentence wondering what on earth you were going to say next.  You get grouchy at people who expect you to pay attention to what they say and respond in an intelligent manner.  Well, at least, that is what happens to me. 
I am sure my husband and colleagues would like to slap me about now.  I am sure I am VERY annoying with my constant snuffling, and my tendency to stop and say "wait, What?"  all the time. 
This run down and fuzzed out feeling is getting a bit better, but if I don't get a better night's sleep soon, it won't get better, but much worse. 

Every time I try to lie down and sleep, my  nose clogs up.  First one side, then the other.  I have to keep turning over in order to breathe.  If I sleep on my back, I will snore, and my throat will get sore and dried out.  So, lie on one side, flip.  Lie on the other side, flip, for at least 45 minutes after I get into bed.  Medications do not help.  Once I get to sleep, I'm OK.  Poor husband doesn't get a whole lot of sleep that way, either. 

At least I am no longer this guy:  Snot, the Slimer Of Worlds.

Those few days were the worst.  Feeling like a walking slime factory.  Ugh.  Wishing I had a bell to ring so I could warn  others to "Beware the Plague!"

I still have my stuffy moments off and on, and I begin to wonder if I'll EVER return to normal.  
The worst part of all this is that the brain fog is not necessarily because of my cold or lack of sleep.  (Well, maybe lack of sleep plays into it as "women of a certain age" have hot flashes which wake us up at night and disturb our sleep.)  I often have days where I just can't concentrate.  Can't get motivated.  Exercise often helps, as it gets everything moving, including my brain.  
There are so many things I SHOULD be reading, writing, making, leaning, but I just can't get myself going.  On those days, I sit and read what I can, and try not to snack.  Snacking is bad.  Makes the weight come back. The weight is dangerous, because if it comes back, my health will deteriorate.  All my good numbers will go bad.  

This is what I feel like on my "meh" days.

Since it is almost 11 pm, and I have to get up and go to church tomorrow, I guess I had better go and try to get some actual sleep.  After I take more antihistamine. And maybe a decongestant.  AND some asprin...
Good night!

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