The morning started off sunny, but cold. Had a nice stiff north wind all through my walk. By the time I got done with my walk and my elliptical time, the clouds had moved in, and it was still cold. I had to go out to Tinker for a follow up appointment at the clinic. No big deal, took awhile, though, because the doc gave me a longer prescription for the Muscinex to get me through the allergy season without losing my voice (we hope) or going broke buying Muscinex over the counter. (More ecologically sound, too, as the prescription variety doesn't have all the foil and paper packaging.)
While I was at the base, I stopped at the BX and found a couple of nice tops and a jacket on sale! Jacket is a bit snug for a medium, but then I realized it's a junior's size, not a misses. It DOES fit, though, just can't wear sweaters under it like I can my other "motorcycle" jacket.
After I got home, I went out to check the mail and found flowers and a balloon on the porch!
They were from my dear friend Fiona, who lives in Australia! Now, Fi and I have never met face to face, but we "clicked" right away on Twitter. We are both Ron Perlman fans, and like a lot of the same music, and have a similar sense of humor. She has an adorable little boy. She's kind of like the little sister I never had. Hayden,her little boy, calls me Auntie Katie.
I had to make sure he had the right t-shirt and some gluten-free cookies.
I love Fi so much, it seems strange that we have never met in person, because it really feels like we've known each other a long time. She really made my birthday special with her very thoughtful gift.
I also talked to my Mom today. Had to let her know what I bought with the birthday money. Also it's good to check in with your Mom from time to time, you know. Even when you're as old as I am, your Mom still worries about you.
Our dear friends Mike and Nancy Rogers came over to share the home cured corned beef that Matt made for my birthday dinner. Always a blessing to have the company of our very dear friends. They are true friends, been through hell and back with us, and we've tried to be there for them, too. They brought thoughtful gifts, but the best was their company.
I have here all my cards and gifts (except the Pink Martini concert tickets, which are put away safe until next month.) I also celebrated by downloading Pink Martini's Sympathique album from Amazon. I really enjoy their music, and I am looking forward to the concert next month.
There have been many greetings from my Facebook and Twitter friends all day. It means a lot to know that people think of me and take the time to let me know. It's been a beautiful day!
Most especially nice to hear from the #Perlgirls on Twitter, and from The Man Himself. He is good to his fans, especially those of us who've followed since the 80's. My fellow #Perlgirls are some really special people. They are funny, supportive, and reliable. Ladies, I love you all!
Michael Ornstein, you are also loved, and I adore your art.
Ron Perlman, it goes without saying that you are loved, my friend. So glad to have met you! You are a class act, Mister!
Looking forward to the rest of Birthday week, wherein there will be a committee meeting at work, a little more shopping, and a lot more fun!
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
Monday, February 24, 2014
Birthday Week Adventures, Part 1
It's that time of year again. The end of February, when the weather is probably going to be grey, cold, and disagreeable, but I'll be happy anyway. Time for me to take my annual birthday week off of work. Yep. Another birthday. Getting older is rather unpleasant in many ways, but it sure beats the only available alternative. This year I am 28 pounds lighter than I was last year, which makes me feel pretty good about myself.
So far, since Friday evening when I got off of work, the birthday week festivities have included: Dinner at Panda Garden with Matt on Friday, a full day of laundry, housework, and exercise on Saturday, first Sunday back at church since I got over the horrible sinus plague, a relaxing Sunday afternoon followed by a very enjoyable evening having dinner with Mary Stolfa, her daughters and her grandson. Mary and I always laugh a lot when we get together, and Sunday night was no exception.
Today I had my voice lesson and did the grocery shopping. (The once a month marathon at the commissary.) This took from 10 am until 3 pm for the voice lesson, the shopping, and the putting away of the groceries.
While I was at the commissary, I had a nice visit with an older lady (almost as old as my Mom) who needed some help getting things off the top shelves now and then. We were mostly going on a parallel course, so I helped her a few times, and I noticed that others did, too. Nice to know that in this world, people will still help a little old lady reach things from the top shelf. Not surprising in the commissary, really. We're all family, after all. Military is a big family. Whole of Oklahoma tends to be that way though. Kind-hearted people, really, even when we don't like each other's politics, a neighbor is still a neighbor.
Tomorrow is actually my birthday. I have an appointment to followup on the treatment I received for the sinus infection. I feel pretty much normal now, so that ought to be a quick appointment. Need to get my walk and my elliptical time in, because Matt is making corned beef for dinner, and I have to go right now and see about frosting my birthday cake. Orange supreme cake with dark chocolate frosting. Ought to be really good. Will also have the pleasure of the company of our friends Mike and Nancy Rogers.
I hope to get Matt to make some decent pictures of me. Don't know if that is possible, given crappy weather outside and no good place to make pictures in the house. Add the fact that I am not as young as I once was, and well, pictures could be depressing. However, the weight difference always cheers me up! :)
It's fifteen minutes until 11 pm, and I think there are still towels waiting for me to fold them and put them away. So, I shall end this part of the birthday week report, and hope that tomorrow's will be more interesting.
So far, since Friday evening when I got off of work, the birthday week festivities have included: Dinner at Panda Garden with Matt on Friday, a full day of laundry, housework, and exercise on Saturday, first Sunday back at church since I got over the horrible sinus plague, a relaxing Sunday afternoon followed by a very enjoyable evening having dinner with Mary Stolfa, her daughters and her grandson. Mary and I always laugh a lot when we get together, and Sunday night was no exception.
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Me & Mary being goofy. |
While I was at the commissary, I had a nice visit with an older lady (almost as old as my Mom) who needed some help getting things off the top shelves now and then. We were mostly going on a parallel course, so I helped her a few times, and I noticed that others did, too. Nice to know that in this world, people will still help a little old lady reach things from the top shelf. Not surprising in the commissary, really. We're all family, after all. Military is a big family. Whole of Oklahoma tends to be that way though. Kind-hearted people, really, even when we don't like each other's politics, a neighbor is still a neighbor.
Tomorrow is actually my birthday. I have an appointment to followup on the treatment I received for the sinus infection. I feel pretty much normal now, so that ought to be a quick appointment. Need to get my walk and my elliptical time in, because Matt is making corned beef for dinner, and I have to go right now and see about frosting my birthday cake. Orange supreme cake with dark chocolate frosting. Ought to be really good. Will also have the pleasure of the company of our friends Mike and Nancy Rogers.
I hope to get Matt to make some decent pictures of me. Don't know if that is possible, given crappy weather outside and no good place to make pictures in the house. Add the fact that I am not as young as I once was, and well, pictures could be depressing. However, the weight difference always cheers me up! :)
It's fifteen minutes until 11 pm, and I think there are still towels waiting for me to fold them and put them away. So, I shall end this part of the birthday week report, and hope that tomorrow's will be more interesting.
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Tuesday Trials
This was a day destined to have its issues. First off, I accidentally shut off the alarm instead of snoozing it. Woke up about 40 min later than I wanted to. Luckily, I didn't have to be at work until 1pm, but there were things I wanted to get done that didn't get done.
I had a little time to read, got my email and other computer housekeeping done, did my walk, and then it was shower, get ready for work, and boogie!
Once I got to work, I had to tackle a stack of ILL returns. (ILL is short for Inter Library Loan.) These are the books our customers are done with, and need to go back to our service center and from thence on to their owning libraries. That wasn't bad, then I did the items that needed their RFID tags replaced. After that, it was work the sorter until 3, when I had to go out to the desk for two hours. Oh, my. There was a children's program today, and there were lots of little kiddos in superhero
costumes along with their parents invading our space. There are also about 25 dozen people at a time looking for tax forms. Our booklets, etc run out on a regular basis, and we rarely have a chance to get out there and put more out. On top of all this goodness, the movie box broke down. This was the desk shift from hell.
I had to answer lots of phone calls about taxes, tax assistance, tax forms, etc, too. ALL of us do. Library people get REALLY sick of tax questions this time of year. I think there ought to be prizes awarded if we conduct a conversation involving tax forms without sighing.
On the positive side, my wonderful husband is cooking dinner again tonight, so I was able to go out and have a nice, relaxing walk around the neighborhood before it got dark. It is nice and warm here right now, very odd for February, and I was able to go walking in my capris and a t-shirt. (My lucky t-shirt from Michael Ornstein, with the Blue Sweater painting on it. Needed the Power of the Art today!)
After my walk, Matt discovered he was too low on soy sauce to do the recipe he was working on, so I walked up to the market and bought some. (Extra steps, now I'm over 11K steps for the day, WooHoo!)
The photo at the right was not made today, but the weather is similar. Clouds and bright sun.
I think I am going to go put my feet up and read some more before supper. I think I've earned it!
Sunday, February 16, 2014
Normal? What Exactly Does That Look Like?
I have had much disruption of my standard routine lately. This makes me VERY unhappy. Also mainly unhappy because the reason for the disruption is that I have been ill. I almost NEVER get really sick, almost never go to the doctor for anything but regular checkups.
This last two weeks plus have been an exception. I caught what I thought was just the little sinus cold that's been going around. Maybe, but it brought a bacterial infection along for the ride. Soon as I started feeling better, wham! Down again. So, I went to the doctor. Antibiotics, a short course. Take the last one tomorrow. Thought I was done with this stuff, but at 5am, I woke up with a splitting headache so bad it made me nauseous. THAT almost NEVER happens. (Cast iron stomach here, only ever get nauseous when my inner ear gets messed up. Sinus blockage. ) So, I took Tylenol and decongestant, and Pepto, and it finally went away. Have been walking on eggshells all day, keeping the hydration up, eating very carefully, taking more Tylenol when I really need it.
So, I haven't been to church in I can't remember how long because of either weather, my sinuses, or both, and even though I've made it to work, I have not been able to get as much done around here as I would like because work wears me out more than usual. Also, my workouts have suffered, though I have managed to at least walk every day for the last several days. Need to get back to my daily elliptical sessions AND daily walks. Still have some weight to lose.
If I remember correctly, when I feel normal, I have a lot more energy than I have had lately. I can handle my job and my housework and my workouts, no problem. In fact, the workouts usually energize me. Not these last two and a half weeks. I get wiped out pretty quickly. Things have been better since I saw the doc, but I am keeping my follow up appointment on the 25th, just to make sure things are clearing up. At least my neck is no longer sore to the touch, and the glands aren't so swollen.
One thing that is normal is my friends and coworkers. They keep me going, cheer me up, make me laugh.
Some day soon, I suppose things will get back to what passes for normal around here.
I can dream, can't I?
This last two weeks plus have been an exception. I caught what I thought was just the little sinus cold that's been going around. Maybe, but it brought a bacterial infection along for the ride. Soon as I started feeling better, wham! Down again. So, I went to the doctor. Antibiotics, a short course. Take the last one tomorrow. Thought I was done with this stuff, but at 5am, I woke up with a splitting headache so bad it made me nauseous. THAT almost NEVER happens. (Cast iron stomach here, only ever get nauseous when my inner ear gets messed up. Sinus blockage. ) So, I took Tylenol and decongestant, and Pepto, and it finally went away. Have been walking on eggshells all day, keeping the hydration up, eating very carefully, taking more Tylenol when I really need it.
So, I haven't been to church in I can't remember how long because of either weather, my sinuses, or both, and even though I've made it to work, I have not been able to get as much done around here as I would like because work wears me out more than usual. Also, my workouts have suffered, though I have managed to at least walk every day for the last several days. Need to get back to my daily elliptical sessions AND daily walks. Still have some weight to lose.
If I remember correctly, when I feel normal, I have a lot more energy than I have had lately. I can handle my job and my housework and my workouts, no problem. In fact, the workouts usually energize me. Not these last two and a half weeks. I get wiped out pretty quickly. Things have been better since I saw the doc, but I am keeping my follow up appointment on the 25th, just to make sure things are clearing up. At least my neck is no longer sore to the touch, and the glands aren't so swollen.
One thing that is normal is my friends and coworkers. They keep me going, cheer me up, make me laugh.
Some day soon, I suppose things will get back to what passes for normal around here.
I can dream, can't I?
Saturday, February 8, 2014
Brain Fog
When one is ill, or even just a bit run down, one's brain tends to go on little vacations. You find yourself standing in a room wondering why you came in, you stop in the middle of a sentence wondering what on earth you were going to say next. You get grouchy at people who expect you to pay attention to what they say and respond in an intelligent manner. Well, at least, that is what happens to me.
I am sure my husband and colleagues would like to slap me about now. I am sure I am VERY annoying with my constant snuffling, and my tendency to stop and say "wait, What?" all the time.
This run down and fuzzed out feeling is getting a bit better, but if I don't get a better night's sleep soon, it won't get better, but much worse.
Every time I try to lie down and sleep, my nose clogs up. First one side, then the other. I have to keep turning over in order to breathe. If I sleep on my back, I will snore, and my throat will get sore and dried out. So, lie on one side, flip. Lie on the other side, flip, for at least 45 minutes after I get into bed. Medications do not help. Once I get to sleep, I'm OK. Poor husband doesn't get a whole lot of sleep that way, either.
At least I am no longer this guy: Snot, the Slimer Of Worlds.
Those few days were the worst. Feeling like a walking slime factory. Ugh. Wishing I had a bell to ring so I could warn others to "Beware the Plague!"
I still have my stuffy moments off and on, and I begin to wonder if I'll EVER return to normal.
The worst part of all this is that the brain fog is not necessarily because of my cold or lack of sleep. (Well, maybe lack of sleep plays into it as "women of a certain age" have hot flashes which wake us up at night and disturb our sleep.) I often have days where I just can't concentrate. Can't get motivated. Exercise often helps, as it gets everything moving, including my brain.
There are so many things I SHOULD be reading, writing, making, leaning, but I just can't get myself going. On those days, I sit and read what I can, and try not to snack. Snacking is bad. Makes the weight come back. The weight is dangerous, because if it comes back, my health will deteriorate. All my good numbers will go bad.
Since it is almost 11 pm, and I have to get up and go to church tomorrow, I guess I had better go and try to get some actual sleep. After I take more antihistamine. And maybe a decongestant. AND some asprin...
Good night!
Sunday, February 2, 2014
Things That Make You Bang Your Head On Your Desk
Seeing the Social Media traffic after the Coca Cola "America Is Beautiful" spot has been the first occasion that I have really wanted to bang my head vigorously on my desk lately. WHAT ON EARTH ARE THESE PEOPLE USING FOR BRAINS? Dear God, is ANYONE really THAT stupid? We are in big trouble if they are.
First off, they don't even know what the National Anthem actually is. They seem to think America The Beautiful is. It is NOT. The Star Spangled Banner (crappy, awful to sing mess that it is) is our National Anthem. It is sung to the tune of an old British drinking song called "To Anacreon In Heaven." When Francis Scott Key wrote the words to that song, he wrote it as a poem. It was during a battle off the coast where he could see the flag flying over Ft. McHenry. The crew members who saw the poem, started singing those words to the drinking tune to make fun of it, or so goes the legend that I've heard.
Secondly, people are posting that everyone here should "speak American." Uh, there IS NO LANGUAGE CALLED "AMERICAN". The language is English. English, especially as used in this country, borrows heavily from just about every other language on the planet. Just as this country has citizens from just about every other nation on the face of the Earth. We are a diverse nation, people. That has long been our strength. Our ability to put our very different ideas and backgrounds together to solve problems is what has helped us thrive. Our very government was put together using bits and pieces of ideas and systems from other places and times.
I suppose some feel threatened by diversity, maybe because they don't really understand it, or because they can't see beyond what's different to see that the most important things are the same.
Don't fear the different, look at it as a resource, a knowledge base, a new piece of the puzzle that is this wonderful country. Our forefathers did. They knew enough to have vision, to look beyond what was obvious.
All human beings need freedom to think, express themselves, learn, grow, worship (or not) and pursue happiness. That is what makes us strong in our diversity. Our very human sameness.
Go back and actually read the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. Remember that everyone loves their children, their family, their home. People who make this country their home love it just as much as you do. They are people just like you, with the same kind of dreams. A good life for themselves and their families. Fear and hatred never lead to solutions. They only lead to more problems. Love leads to solutions. Think about it.
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