Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Another New Year

Another New Year's Day, another Tournament of Roses Parade watched.  This year, I am actually doing some of the cleaning I have vowed to do on this day.  I have packed away most of the Christmas decorations, (early, I know, but I won't have time closer to Epiphany).  I have started clearing out my office so I can actually do things in here without searching forever for what I need, or having to re-arrange the known universe in order to put something down.  Also, my desktop computer died a couple of weeks ago, and I have been making do with this laptop.  Matt has ordered my new computer, and it will require a different section of my desk space, so I am clearing as much off the top of the desk as possible. 
This process always reminds me that I don't use my fountain pens as much as I should.  They sit in their tray, all forlorn and probably in need of cleaning and new ink cartridges.    I have a journal in my "reading basket" that needs attention, too.  Also a poetry work notebook, and a small notebook of inspirations and writing exercises.  My now neglected (yup, got Pandora on my phone) mp3 player is also in that basket.  From time to time my very overworked Nook tablet lives on top of other things in that basket.
There are scores of cds of my vocal practice pieces in my cabinet that need to be organized, and there are three shelves of stuff in that cabinet that need to be reorganized and weeded.  (Mostly books and cds.) 
The stuff in the desk drawers needs to be gone through again, too.  I know I will find my old stickers from TK Graphics in the back of the top drawer.  There are numerous Star Trek related ones, and a couple of Beauty and the Beast stickers, too.  A couple of general sci-fi fan sayings are in there, too.  ("Two things are universal:  Hydrogen and Stupidity."  "Anything not nailed down is a cat toy" Opportunity knocks but once; Temptation pounds on the door constantly" "I refuse to engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent." "Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool.")  These used to go on the envelopes of the letters we fans sent to each other back in those dark days before the Internet and email (or Facebook and Twitter.) 
I dread this process, but I know I must begin it.  I have the same paranoia my Pop always had.  "As soon as I get rid of that, I'm going to need it."  I am afraid my genes may work against me here.  I come from a long line of packrats.  I have used a lot of these things in the last year, just that there are too many things in here.  Something's gotta give. 
Sigh.  Time to quit stalling and get back at it...

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