Tuesday, January 8, 2013

An Unintentionally Lazy Day

Dear Universe,
I really did mean to get up and get a lot of things accomplished today.  Unfortunately, Texas has very thoughtfully been sending us LOTS of cedar and juniper pollen, and well, getting my head into operational condition this morning was NOT easy.
I did, however, manage to dispose of a few crapalanches around the house.  Funny, you can't really destroy a crapalanche, you just end up moving its parts around.  The removal of the major crapalanche that was my desk has caused the growth and/or appearance of crapalanches in other areas.  Most notably the side cabinet in my desk and the office closet.  I have not been brave enough yet to tackle those, but I did remove one from my beside cabinet, and from the interior of the fireplace cupboard.
The walk was accomplished this morning, though due to the activities of the city's large waste removal truck (dubbed the Terminator) I had alter my route a bit and evidentlly Endomondo thought this crossing of the road shaved a LOT off my distance.  My time was also a bit shorter, so maybe the silly thing was right for once.

The oil change for the car has been postponed yet again.  I just didn't think driving all the way to Norman and sitting around in a Ford dealer's waiting room was in the cards for my pounding head today.  By the time the head stopped pounding and I got the walk done, it was too late.  I'm off Friday, we'll try again then.
Now I must do a few clerical things (like balance the checkbook with the last statement) and make some birthday cards for fellow staff members at the library.  That is usually fun, but getting the printer to cooperate is sometimes a challenge.  (This printer knows it is on the way out, as my laptop is now the only computer in the house that will speak to it. No Windows 7 drivers available for the poor thing.)  So I guess this should be finished and the laptop hauled once again out of hibernation and set up.  (I just got it put away after it kindly donated part of its stored memories to this new machine.)  It was getting dust in it, it had sat upon the craptastic desk for so long.
Master Chorale rehearsal tonight.  We are starting work on the Faure Requiem and the Rutter Requiem.  (Pray for us.)

Thank you for your patience with me.

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