Friday, January 18, 2013

A Marvelous Miscellany

Today I dug out some old poetry notebooks and started looking through them.  OK, well, some of them are just writing exercises in general, others are poems in progress.  There may be future blog topics in some of those old exercises.

I made some cookies from a recipe I have never tried before.  They are good, but they are the ugliest cookies I've ever seen.  Sourdough Oatmeal Chocolate Chip.  Very tasty.  Not so pretty.  Just goes to show, you can't always go by looks.

Why can't people take your word for something when you answer a question for them?  I have had more people today try to get me to change my answer when I inform them that the library's meeting rooms are fully booked for every single weekend in February.  I don't think my computer is lying to me, folks.
Also, do people read signs anymore?  There are signs up where we usually have tax forms explaining that the forms have been delayed, and that we will put them out as soon as we have some.  At least five people came to the desk to ask me about tax forms during the two hours I was out there this afternoon.  I love our patrons, but I sure wish they'd read the signs! 

My dear husband is in the other room doing battle with NoteWorthy Composer and the score of the Rutter Requiem.  We use NoteWorthy to practice the choral pieces we do for Master Chorale.  The Rutter is taking him a long time because he has to input it note by note.  The Pie Jesu is going to be absorbing a lot of my time and attention for the next three weeks.  Auditions for the solo are in three weeks.  My voice coach thinks I should go for it.  I'll give it a shot.  I still don't know how a basically shy person like myself will ever be able to sing a solo in front of a bunch of people.  Singing at our studio recitals is different.  Everyone there is pretty much in the same boat.  They have to get up and hope something decent comes out when they sing. 

I finished reading Jane Eyre this morning.  It is a most enjoyable book, and I can't believe that I never managed to read it before this.  Better late than never, I guess.  Now to decide which of the large list of things on my Nook I should read next. 

Good news.  The desk is staying fairly crapalanche free. Only a minor one on the side closest to the door right now.  Soon as I get a few details dealt with, it will be gone.  Then to tackle the filing cabinet and the side compartment of this desk, which are basically crapalanches contained inside a box. 

Almost midnight, about time to call this one done.  This isn't very useful to others, perhaps, except where you might recognize a situation or two, but I must keep doing this, I can't let myself neglect this thing like I have in the past.  I promise, I will try to be more meaningful and profound.  It just takes awhile to find those words, sometimes.

Tonight's free verse:
Forgive me.
This clamoring for attention
It is not my true nature
To seek the attention of others
Alas, I am a proud but shy creature
Used to observing,
Uncomfortable in the glare of a spotlight.
So you see,
This was an aberration
Not a true maifestation
Of my personality
Forgive my lapse,
I pray you.
I shall retire
Once again to my shadows
And keep watch.

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