Thursday, December 2, 2010

Advent Day 5 - Today I am Thankful for my Husband

Today, more decorations went up around the house, and the cat snoozed through it. 

Today, in thinking about what I have to be thankful for this Advent, I thought how fortunate I am to have my husband.  Matt and I have been married for more than 26 years now, and it is still a very good thing to be married.  Matt is my best friend, the one who can always make me laugh, the one who puts up with almost ALL of my crap.  He's the one who expects the best of me, and unlike my parents, doesn't make me feel like pond scum if I miss the mark. 
Matt is a very accomplished person.  He hasn't had as much formal education as I have perhaps, but he has taught himself more than you would expect any human being to be able to master on their own.  He remembers most of whatever he reads, and can pick up new software programs faster than anyone I have ever seen.
A few years ago, Matt had a health scare.  I could have lost him then, but God was merciful, and Matt is able to function pretty much normally.  (Well, as normally as he EVER HAS functioned!)  (We met in a Star Trek fan club.  We are NOT normal!)  Since that time, Matt has had to deal with things that would drive me insane, but he handles it pretty well.  He has gained a lot of weight because he had to take steroids for awhile, and at our age, any weight that shows up almost NEVER leaves, no matter what you do.  (Doesn't help that we both love to cook and eat!)
Matt has such incredible focus when he is involved in a project.  I can never stick with something that intensely.  I wander off and do something else for awhile.  Sometimes his focus borders on obsession, but I have my own obsessive behaviors, so I really can't complain TOO much. 
We have a very nice life together, Matt and I.  We share so many interests:  music, cooking, gardening, our faith, and our friends. 
I'll tell you another reason I am so grateful to have Matt in my life.  He was fully prepared to cook dinner this evening.  I had something easy planned, and he agreed that he wanted to eat that, too, so I guess he'll get to make me a late supper tomorrow when I get back from the Gala at the library. 
Oh, yes.  He also puts up with all my Advent decorating and other projects, even the ones that make work for him.  (Like hanging up the outdoor lights.)

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