Sunday, March 6, 2016

Further Lenten Ruminations


This was written on my tablet during the sermon, right after Mother Susan almost mentioned the Holy Ghost in a scripture where it was not, in fact, mentioned.  We all had a tiny giggle about it.

O Holy Spirit,
Who even in this
Solemn Season
Of Lent
Does still make
Thy Presence known
With bubbling laughter
And with joy.

So words are just images
 for something far too large
 to tame or make subject
 to our inadequate imaginations.
All things in us that are good,
or useful
or in any way noble
are gifts of that joyful Spirit
Who moves where it will,
and blows joy and gifts of
understanding, mercy,
patience, and love
Into our very souls
If we will but receive them
To do the good works
The Spirit may inspire
Does give our very hearts
They heal us, they give us
Yet more strength
To do yet more good
In this world.


Leap Day-
Leap of faith
Leap only after looking
Leap ahead,
Leapin' Lizards!

Didn't much want to muse on poetry this weekend, or today, really.
There is a story about the day I was born that they used to tell me, so I'd like to record it.
Better a few days late than never.

On the day I was born, my Mom had a regular appointment with her obstetrician.  Since it was in the afternoon, my sister (13 at the time) went with her to help navigate.  (Mom, we used to joke, could get lost in the back yard.)  While at the appointment, the doctor informed her that she was in the very early stages of labor, and given that she was 36 (old to be having babies in those days), he wanted to take her to the hospital ASAP.
So, here's my 13 year old sister in the waiting room, having to get hold of Pop (no cell phones then) and have him come get them and take Mom to the hospital and her home.  (Nobody under 18 allowed in Maternity waiting areas in those days.)  Then, of course, Pop had to go back to the hospital.  I don't know how they worked it out, perhaps our neighbor picked Pop up at work and took him to meet them at the doctor's office, and then took my sister home, I really don't know.
Must've been an interesting day for my family.
Evidently, I got stuck, and the doctor had to use forceps to get me out - I wasn't born until after 10 pm that night. Poor Mom.  Both of us came through all right, though.
Ha!  I've been an inconvenience to my family from the very beginning!

The very air holds magic, mystery, foreboding-
It is ripe with the tension of the coming storm.

Soon the lightning rips apart the sky
And the thunder roars at us
Like Doom itself
But quite often, this sound and fury
Doesn't mean much.
Not even much rain.
For all the portents
In the air.


And again, a blank page
The reading I was to do
Was not something I wanted
Today is hustle and bustle
Even though it's Tuesday -
Not Monday.
Still running all over
Too much to do
And never enough time.

Lots done,
But not everything
Never everything
The list looms
Eternally incomplete


More hurry and hope I got everything needful done.  Last week was a blessing- a week out of time to do with as I wished - pretty much.
This week is back to obligations and schedules and wondering how on earth I ever
Had room in my head
For abstract thoughts
For images and dreams
When this all too concrete world
It seems
Is SO much with me.

A flash, a blink, caught in the corner of my eye
A flicker, and rumble,
And light tears apart the sky.
All's dry until
I get closer to home,
And then I notice the wet pavement
The occasional drop on the windshield
The calling cards of an early Spring storm.


On the 3rd, 4th, and 5th, I did not manage to get any writing done.  I was off on the 3rd, we had a concert to attend that evening, so I took my comp day for Saturday, worked ALL DAY Friday to have enough hours, and then on Saturday, worked from 1 to 5, after having spent the better part of the morning cleaning the house.  We had friends over, and so, there was no time to sit and write.

This day,
The wind blew
It blew clouds and
All over town.
No rain or storms for us
Not today.
Just lost of wind
Anguished, even.
Tugging at every
Loose item in the neighborhood.
Wanting our attention
Trying to tell us something.

Achy and weary
In every joint
But happy.
Worked hard
Got a lot done.
Ate well, but healthily.
There is work of the mind
To be done.
A story to tell
A story to share
But not yet.
It is still in the process
Of becoming.
Much planning,
And hoping
Yet to be done.
And my cozy bed
Looks far too tempting
On this night
When the wind
Continues to howl
Like a predator
On the prowl.

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