Thursday, December 5, 2013

Living La Vida Loca

Yep.  The crazy life.  Any more, life seems to zoom by so fast that I never get anything done.  Even at work, where I have uninterrupted time to get things done, life conspires against me.  The phone will ring off the hook, the sorter will act up, there will be a zillion customers all at once. 
Eventually, things even out, but it sure isn't easy to keep stress at bay when you feel like you aren't doing everything you're SUPPOSED to be doing. 

Around the house, it's living la vida Twitter that gets me in trouble.  Yes, I am a social media addict.  Twitter is but the latest version.  Before I discovered Twitter, there was Facebook, and before that, email lists.  It is a good way to find and keep up with old friends, far-flung family, make new friends, expand your horizons, but it will also eat a LOT of time if you let it.  I am trying not to let it.  (But I love my friends on Twitter, and I don't want to miss them!) 

Christmas is almost here again ALREADY!!  I am glad we don't have kids who will expect presents and a big whoop de doo for the holiday.  We have already given each other (and ourselves) a lot of things this year, so I don't think we will be doing much in the way of presents. We are further breaking with tradition and having brisket instead of ham for Christmas Eve dinner. 

I am not ready.  So far, no Christmas cards have been written, the only decorations out are the Advent wreath and the stuffed animals that go in our bedroom.  I don't like to rush Christmas these days.  Directly the opposite of the way it was when I was a child, and I started campaigning for Christmas lights, and the Christmas tree and all the fun stuff to come out as soon as Thanksgiving was over.  Now I get mad when the retailers start talking about Holiday Sales before Halloween. Even madder when grown people go out the day after Thanksgiving and trample and beat each other over some stupid thing they want to buy.  Good grief.  Life really IS crazy these days.

I am also trying to participate in an online reading group of sorts.  A few of us are reading (in my case and one other girl's case, RE-reading) The Name Of The Rose. It is a LOT more detailed than the movie would lead you to believe.  The story is the same, but there is so much background material, description, and history going on that it makes for involved reading.  More like the stuff I used to read in college than the stuff I've been reading lately for the most part. (I guess I've gotten lazy and have been reading lighter books for the most part.)

Now they are threatening us with nasty winter weather again.  Not sure whether we're supposed to get snow, sleet, both, or freezing rain and both.  This is going to mess up the activities the city has planned, as well as possibly messing up church on Sunday again.  Not good.  There is also the problem of our garage that has no drywall, and the attic that needs new insulation.   Sigh.  Please God, make the stupid weather pester somebody else.  We need to get this stuff DONE. (Otherwise, we are going to own a big chunk of ONG, or at least it will feel like we've bought one.)

(Two Days Later)
The arctic air mass has arrived, Armageddon in the form of freezing rain and extremely dangerous roads is supposed to follow shortly.  Far as I know, the library is still open, so I have made a large batch of Mexican Hot Chocolate to share, and I am on my way to work my usual shift.  I hope they close us early if it looks like the roads are going to be bad.  Don't want fellow staffers OR customers in danger.  Matt is off today, so I get a ride to and from with an experienced all-weather driver!

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