Monday, December 30, 2013

Reflections on the Year, or The More I Hurry, the Further Behind I Get!

I have felt like I'm behind and trying desperately to catch up all year.  So many things I have to do, keep track of, contribute to, and I am not up to speed on any of them.  Well, my goal at work is up to date, and my church giving pledge is, my bills are all paid, but stuff I need to do for me is lagging.

Haven't done much with my various journals, haven't written as much poetry as I should have.  I have kept this blog up pretty well, but the posts are not all I hoped I could make of them.

So much of the time life seems to speed by while I am trying to get myself moving.  Is it just growing older catching up, or is it a lazy nature finally expressing itself?
The weight loss has come to a standstill, but at least there has been no substantive backsliding.  Only gained a pound or two, and lost them back pretty quickly, but can't get below 137 no matter what I do.
Supposed to be finishing a Web 2.0 training at work, and still have four topics left to cover out of 12.  There are books I want to read that are on my Nook, and on my shelf, and have not been touched.  I have been reading, just not as fast as I usually do.  Got a bad case of wandering attention most days. 

Does anybody else feel like they are getting more "fruity" than "complex"?  Don't know whether the hot flashes have cooked what little was left of my brain, or if the fact that they wake me up every night several times is the cause of my absent brain feelings.

I have often mentioned in this blog the sad things that have happened this past year.  The cat died, Matt had to go to the hospital for a week, the tornadoes came through town again, my nephew died, my friend died, just lots of sadness.

There has also been some great happiness.  Like meeting two other  Perlgirls in person finally.  Of COURSE, meeting Ron Perlman, The Man himself was fantastic!
 The fact that Matt didn't have any permanent damage from his heart rhythm problem was also a cause for great rejoicing.  The changes made in our diet because of his health issues have been very beneficial.  The fact that my weight appears stuck at the moment should not detract from the fact that I lost 30 POUNDS!! 
The continuing presence in our lives of some very dear friends has also been a source of great happiness.  Good friends are hard to come by, and having Mike and Nancy for friends has been a real blessing.
 There have been many challenges this year, and most of them were met and dealt with in a satisfactory manner.  There is always room for improvement, more growth, less navel gazing.   There are things clogging up our house that we should sort through and part with some of.
I must also once again clean the fountain pens.  They are clogged up again from lack of use.  Shameful it is, the way I neglect them.  (Well, hello Master Yoda, my word order taken over you have!)

 Here are my beautiful fountain pens.  Many of them were hand made for me by Matt.  (The ones with the wood barrels and the bright green one and first blue one on the right.)

Time also to change the calendars, clear away the Christmas decorations, and clear the decks for a whole new year.  I just hope it is a year of good things, and a time to catch up, not another year of scurrying, hurrying, and worrying.

Something that always makes me smile.  Thanks, Mr. P!

Kelly and Mary, you guys are the best!  This makes me smile, too!  (And of course, Himself  brought us all together!)

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