Thursday, August 22, 2013


To One Lost Too Soon.
By Carolyn Kay Armistead

So much pain
Hides behind a ready smile.
You try in vain
To push the hurt away for awhile.
The darkness creeps around
And you let it steal the light.
You let yourself be bound
You surrendered the fight.

Don't let the darkness win
Open your eyes, look around you
Let the light shine in
Because love does, in fact, surround you.
Yes, it hurts when your heart breaks,
Yes, it's a place we've all been,
As Cohen says, that's what it takes,
That's how the light gets in.

Alas, you surrendered early,
A fight many wage against odds
Steeper than any you'd ever see
Making deals with any gods
That would allow them to cling
To the precious light of life
The only true thing
In the midst of all this strife.

 These things I would have told  you
If you had only asked.
In my heart I still hold you
Even until the last.
Perhaps now you understand
Perhaps now the way is clear
Love is close at hand
Even when you are lost in fear.

To A Valiant Warrior
By Carolyn K. Armistead

You inspire us all
Your strength is amazing
You look so small
But your courage is blazing.
The beast is trying to destroy
Your body and claim your life,
But you reach for victory
Your goal beyond the strife.
You remind us daily
Of all we take for granted
Never giving in to the wailys
Your sights on life planted.
The light that shines from you
The beauty of your soul
Warms all of us around you
Know that we support you in your goal.
How I wish our lost boy
Had the chance to know you
You would have given him joy
And helped him see what is true.
That light and love surround us
That hope is always near
Joy whispers that it has found us,
If only we open our ears and hear.

May any who need these words find them and hear them.  Love does surround you.  You have only to look and see.  Reach out your hand, love and joy and light are waiting to embrace you.

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