Monday, February 11, 2013


How to express in a few words how much you appreciate someone?  Especially someone you work with day in and day out, someone who has seen you at your most harried and/or panicked and been there to help you through it?
How about the ones you don't work with every day?  It's even harder to come up with something meaningful to say how much you appreciate the fact that they are there when they are needed, always pleasant and always prepared.
For our Staff Appreciation Day on Valentine's Day, we have been asked to write short words of appreciation for all our fellow staffers, and drop them in their "Valentine's Mailboxes" that the committee has made for everyone.
My coworkers are an exceptional group of people.  Most of them have advanced degrees, yet they work in a field that doesn't exactly pay a lot.  They are dedicated to their jobs, and they make a real difference in this community.  I feel blessed every time I go to work because I get to spend time with such a wonderful group of people.  They are fun, funny, extremely talented, and they've always got my back.  And I've got theirs.  There has never been a place I've worked before that has felt like this.  Nowhere else have I really felt like part of the team, part of the family.  I value the work my coworkers do, and they value mine.  There are days that make us all feel like we've been through a meat grinder, but most days, we have fun.  Somebody will find the humor in whatever is going on, and find a way to jolly us all through it.  We seem to take turns at it.
One way to make the humdrums lighter is to count things like how many "what are your hours?" calls we get on say, a Friday afternoon.  During the first of the year, "Do you have tax forms?" is the question likely to get the highest tally.  Some days, we could get a pretty high tally for calls about meeting rooms.

There are many people at my church that I appreciate, too.  Of course, the clergy and staff are always appreciated, because without them, we wouldn't be able to do anything.  I really appreciate my fellow choristers.  We've been singing together every week now for a LOT of years.  For only about 16 of us, we have a really good sound going on.  Here's a link to one of our recorded anthems. (First soprano lines brought to you by yours truly and Lou Kohlman.)   This link is to the whole audio library.  I only sing in Cathedral Choir.  Lou is also in Musica Sacra, if you want to hear more of her wonderful voice.  I love singing with Lou.  Lea wasn't with us when we recorded these songs, but she has become a vital part of us.  Now that Lea is with us, there are three first sopranos, and breathing becomes a much less complicated issue.  Now you know why I get so frustrated when I can't sing.  Singing with these fine musicians is a great privilege, and a LOT of fun.

There are also people, some of whom I have never met in person, who are there for me and cheer me up on down days.  They are my online friends.  Now, most of my Facebook friends are people I have met in person.  There are a few I have only known through correspondence, some of them for YEARS.  There are newer friends, friends of friends really, that have become very dear.  One of those is a lady that writes for a living.  Some days, she goes on a tear and the posts come flying out, and most often they are absolutely hilarious.  She has brightened many days for me.  She is a friend of my friend Lou.  When I first "met" her on line, I knew she was all right if she was a friend of Lou.  I have also met her brother a few times.  So, Anne, know that you and your sense of humor are greatly appreciated here.  You've been a real friend, even if we've never met face to face.

All my Beauty and the Beast fan friends are folks I have met only online, as I have never yet made it to a convention.  These are some very talented people.  I haven't really gotten to know anyone well yet, but they have been welcoming and friendly, and it is great fun to spend time chatting with them, or emailing.
There have been other, earlier posts in this blog appreciating various groups of people,but I felt the need today to do this, to say I appreciate the people who have found their way into my life, by whatever means, and I am very glad to know them.

One last and very important appreciation.  My husband.  Matt has put up with more than you would believe in the almost 29 years of our marriage so far.  He is always there when I need him, though when he was active duty, that wasn't an easy thing.  He puts up with my whims, he fixes my computer, he still sees me as I was 30 years ago.  Bless him.  I see the pictures he made for me today, and I know that lovely girl is long gone.  See for yourself:
 Me, in 1984 on our wedding day.
Me this morning.
I rest my case.

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