Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Thoughts on a stormy Wednesday

This is my first attempt at blogging. I have been around computers and the Internet since about 1993. It has all grown and changed so quickly that it makes me feel my age. (My web page, which URL shall remain obscure for now, is more than 10 years out of date. )
I do, in fact, sing. I am a lyric soprano, which means I sing a lot of operatic arias written for characters whose names end in -ina. (Zerlina, Serpina, etc.) I have recently sung Dove Sono from Marriage of Figaro. That is the Contessa's big aria. I am surprised I survived. It is a real workout for someone who sings as a hobby instead of a profession or sacred calling.
My sacred calling used to be elementary education, but it is now library customer service. (My credential expired and it was cheaper to go to work at the library than to try and renew an old California credential in Oklahoma. Besides, the library is lots less stress and probably pays better by the hour when you count all the extra work teachers do.)
I enjoy working in the library. Our customers are priceless. Since Moore is really a small town masquerading as a big suburb, we get to know quite a few of our customers. We find ourselves worrying about the older ones if we go awhile without seeing them, we marvel at how fast every body's kids are growing up, and we sympathize with every body's troubles.
I also enjoy the fact that our system gives us discretion to waive fines for those customers who have had a serious family situation arise. It is very gratifying to be able to lift at least the small burden of library fines for folks who have bigger worries on their minds.
I was hoping to think of something witty to say today, but the weather (dreary, stormy) has sapped my creative energy. I also seem to have a headache for some reason, most likely my sinuses. (Why do singers always have allergies and lousy sinuses? Every singer I know (in Oklahoma, anyway) has allergy/sinus trouble.)
So, anyway, here I am getting my feet wet in the blog world. I hope the quality improves as time goes by. Often I am all written out because I also keep pen and ink journals and poetry workbooks. Those are sadly neglected lately, alas.

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