Thursday, October 25, 2007

Lapses Happen

As with all my journals, this one has suffered its first lapse. I grant you, it is only one day, but that is usually how the downhill slide starts. One little thing at a time, and before you know it, the new behavior is history. Much like diet and exercise programs.

So much I could write about, let's see...
I got my flu shot this morning at the drive through clinic hosted by the local humongous Baptist Church. The health department runs the flu shot program, the church just supplies space and some volunteers. The city has supplied a couple of traffic officers to help keep people lined up correctly on the approach to the church. (Otherwise we'd have folks trying to cut the line without realizing exactly how many people they are cutting off. You can't see the whole line if you come eastbound on 27th. The line starts almost back at Eastern and goes west.)

Another thing I could write about is the fact that we are awaiting the delivery of some audio recording equipment so that we can make CDs of our singing for family who have requested them. It will definitely be a learning process. I hope that Matt doesn't get too carried away as time goes on and buy too many extras that we don't really need. Like all of us with our hobbies, he tends to do that. I am sure the delivery will come when no one is home, and Matt will have to drive out somewhere to pick it up. (He seems convinced that they will leave it on the porch, and I rather hope not, as it will be a large box, and it may be more than the local teens could resist.)
Most kids around here are really good kids, but there are a few I wonder about.

Choir rehearsal was last night, and he started us off with pieces that had some rather high notes for unwarmed up sopranos. Needless to say, we were all a bit flat and strangled sounding for awhile. (He really should have been expecting that!) I think he thinks we all warm up before we get there, but that almost never happens. Trying to get home from work, get dinner taken care of, the cleanup done, it doesn't leave a whole lot of time for warming up the voice before peeling out the door to get to choir on time.

Tonight it is my turn to work the 1-9 shift. I get to help close the library. Thursdays are always a joy that way. Oh, well, here's hoping everybody has somewhere else to be so they won't be hanging around the library right around 9pm. It can be very hard to get rid of them so we can go home. It is a long day for many of us, and I guess people just don't think about it. They've been home, so they don't think about those of us who would like to get home so we can relax a bit.
Guess I better go pack my lunch bag so I'll have something to eat this afternoon.

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