I found the oldest of my Waterman pens and got it started A lot smoother than I remember it being. Alas, the green one has died and untimely death. I remembered that when I did not find it in the pen cup tonight. The blue one is performing beautifully. Too bad my handwriting is so awful - I am out of practice, I fear, and not writing in the best of conditions.
Trying not to cough- medicine hasn't stopped the insidious little tickle yet.
Hope it stops before the mammogram. Coughing and holding still don't go together...
All is well. God is good, and there was nothing to be seen on the mammogram, only the same things that have always been there.
Oh, hello Monday.
I thought that was you
Bringing me chores to catch up on
And even more things to do
Making life busy
Like a hamster in a wheel
Running and running
And never getting anywhere.
Laundry leftovers,
Ironing to do,
Dishes waiting in the sink -
House cleaning, too.
Must remember to
Take the trash out
Errands must be run
Oh, gee, isn't this fun?
All on a summer day
When the skies are grey
And storms threaten
I'd rather be curled up
With a book
And ignore you
And all your demands.
So busy
No time to breathe
Not time to think
No time to write.
Time should be flying
Alas- it is not.
It is dragging itself along
Like a cricket who got
Left behind in the hot sun.
The weather has no mercy
Hot sun
And thick air
Summer is truly here
Making me grateful for iced tea
And air conditioning.
The sun is hot,
The clouds offer no respite.
They only add to the heaviness
This day has put upon my spirit.
At least this fountain pen is so sweet and so smooth
The new ink such a beautiful blue
Perfect for this blue Tuesday
I've been having today.
At least this pen makes me happy.
It's being good and helping my writing look better.
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Rosewood Chinese Fountain Pen |
And when I returned home from work,
A nice surprise.
One of the Chinese fountain pens I ordered
Had arrived.
It is very nicely made, very smooth writing,
And started working with very little fuss.
Almost unheard of behavior from a fountain pen!
It's late and I'm tired,
but brain is not quite done,
and sinuses have joined the discussion.
This could get ugly.
Supposed to be hot again tomorrow -
But no rain.
Drowsy Summer Heat
Soaking the energy out of everything
And everyone
Except the children,
It would seem.
They are loud and energetic in the cool
Of the library
Adding mayhem to a day when
Most of us
Would love to just sit quietly
And disappear into a book..
I should avoid the Friends' book sale shelf
I keep finding things to bring home.
I have no more room!
Another fountain pen has expired
Matt will have to buy a new nib assembly for it if he can.
That was one of the ones he made for me.
Another day in the inner circles of hell.
SO hot.
I wonder if the blacktop on the streets will
Stick to my shoes.
Again today one of the new fountain pens I ordered from China
Has arrived.
This one is very fancy, very heavy, solid, and also smooth writing and starts up with very little fuss. I am very pleased.
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Red Dragon fountain pen. |
Tomorrow the lawn MUST be mowed, so we must get up and get at that early before it gets too hot.