Friday, September 6, 2013

Musings on a Friday Night In the Not So Big Town

Tonight was a special Friday night for me.  I got to meet someone in person that I have only ever "spoken" with online!  It was very nice to meet Mary, who is every bit as warm and funny in person as she is online.  Her grandson Ryder came along, and he is a sweet little guy.  Typical two almost three year old, but well behaved as that age group goes.  And so cute!
We all met up at Back Door BBQ in OKC for dinner.  Matt was along, of course, and he was glad to meet Mary, too.  
 It was a very nice time of good food and good company.  Someone was having a birthday celebration at the restaurant while we were there, and they sure had some great singers at that party!  Best "Happy Birthday" I've heard in a long time!
Here's Me and Mary and Ryder in the parking lot after dinner.  (Poor Ryder was having his neck tickled over Grandma's shoulder by silly old Aunt Katie.)

Once Matt and I got home, I relaxed for awhile and then headed out for a short walk.  (.85 of a mile instead of the usual 1.78.)  I could hear the high school band playing at the stadium.  (When the wind is just right, the sounds from the stadium carry over to this side of town.)  Friday night lights and football games already.  My thoughts are with one member of that band whose mom is in the hospital right now.  Praying for her recovery and for the family as they deal with yet another in a series of many battles with cancer.  She is such a brave warrior in that battle.  One of the last poems I put in this blog was for her.  She's the most Christ-like Christian I know.  Gentle, accepting, loving, and never thinks of herself.

As I turned the corner onto our street on my way home, I saw our house for once all lit up with the proper outdoor lights, and the front windows all lit.  It felt so good to be walking toward home.

Since May, my husband and I have been trying to alter our diet and exercise habits in order to help him keep his diabetes and his high blood pressure under control, and in general make ourselves healthier.

Here is how I am doing right now.
I average over 10,000 steps a day.  I am eating fewer calories than I burn.
I have lost 19.8 pounds since May 7, and 26.8 pounds since January.
I take two walks daily, or use the elliptical once and walk once, or use the elliptical twice almost every day.
My measurements have come back to more normal proportions.  (38-29-37- I have a waist again!)

More importantly, I have more energy, I feel better, and I feel better about myself.

My weight was stuck around 145 for a long time, but now has crept lower, 141.2 this morning.  Appears to be a bit stuck there for now, but will go down again, I have no doubt.

I recently had to order another one of Michael Ornstein's "Blue Sweater" art t-shirts. Both the others I own are too big now!  Those are my "lucky shirts", they have gotten me through doctor's appointments and two tornadoes safely, so I HAVE to have one I can wear somewhere besides around the house.
This was me, wearing the size XL shirt in May, right after we started the diet.
This was me in July, a few pounds heavier than I am right now.  I will have to get a decent picture make of me this week and see if I can add it in later.  Right now, it's late, I just got off the elliptical, and I look horrible. Skinnier, but horrible.

The clothes that have gotten too big to wear at all are not of the sort that could be altered.  Some garments it just isn't practical to try.  I have plenty of things I saved from thinner times that fit now and are still in style.  (Well, as much as I am ever in style, rather frumpy library denizen that I am...)

The green dress that I have always loved, and that hasn't fit in years now fits again, so I will be getting some pictures made in it soon!

Here is a quick shot of me in this dress late last night.  I haven't been able to zip this dress in I don't know how long, and now it fits well!
I feel so very blessed tonight.  I have good friends, a wonderful husband, a nice home, a job I love, coworkers that make my job more fun than work, a church family that is loving and supportive and all the things church is supposed to be, and I have music.  It is a gift and a privilege to be able to sing.  I don't have a great voice, but it is pretty darn good.  I have my health, and I am finally doing something positive to keep it.  By the way, this dress is a favorite for Holiday recitals, but I think I only fit in it for one recital in the past.  Perhaps it will make another appearance this Holiday season.
That's all for this Friday Night in the Not So Big Town.
All my best from Moore, Oklahoma

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