Saturday, April 6, 2013

Regarding Yesterday's Post - Oh, No! I Forgot Somebody!!

I can't believe that I forgot to mention a most important veteran in my life.  Perhaps because I think of him as a pastor first, and then a military officer?  His name is Rich Rosenfeld, and he was our chaplain at Rhein-Main Air Base.  He and his wife Stephanie became our friends, and are still counted as such.  They got us hooked on 'Allo, 'Allo  which is an old British sitcom.  They and their son David are also Star Trek fans, and the certificate we were given when we left Rhein-Main reflects this. 

All of our involvement at the chapel was due to Rich's encouragement, and recognition that we had talents to share.  We attended the 08:30 Protestant Liturgical Service.  It was also known as the MethoLuthEpiscoTerian Rite.  It had occasion to be known as the Ops Group Chapel Service, because for a long while, you could find the Wing Commander, the Wing DO, the Commander of Civil Engineering, the commander of Current Ops, and my husband,of course, all of whom were part of the Ops group.  (Matt was NCOIC of Current Operations at that time).  This was also the chapel service most likely to be interrupted by someone's radio.  (No cell phones at that time, at least not at that wing.)

Rich and Steph and David are good friends, and I am still trying to pay forward all the good things they shared with us.  Rich is an exceptionally caring person, which makes him an excellent chaplain.  He is retired from the Air Force now, but he still works as a chaplain and helps many of his fellow vets in times of crisis.  I can think of few others I'd like to have around if I had to face a difficult situation.  Rich is a good one to have in your corner. 

Still can't believe I forgot to add Rich to the list yesterday.  Hope I didn't forget anyone else...

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