The next picture shows yet more of the stuff that came out of the closet. The chair is ordinarily at the desk, of course, it is just full of stuff from the closet. The cleaning caddy on the desk does not live in the closet, either. It lives in the laundry room. Its presence was necessary in the office today, however.
Here is the closet, still packed full, but no longer jumbled. You cannot see the overhead shelves full of Christmas decorations, or the file cabinet side of the closet that is also home to a very large carpet cleaning machine. At least now I have some hope of finding what I go in search of in the closet.
I also did a thorough cleaning of the office today. My keyboard and the computer screen are both nice and clean now. Even waxed the desk. All of this whilst running to the laundry room to shift loads of clothes around and fold and hang and put away as needed. How can two people produce five loads of laundry every week? It is astounding. At least we have water saving washer that is also Energy Star compliant. Dryer is as energy efficient as we can make it. Wouldn't like to try drying my clothes outdoors here in Oklahoma. Awful lot of dust and dirt in the air around here on a regular basis.
Finally got the husband to buy new clothes. Like pulling teeth. Worse than shopping with a teenager, I am willing to bet. He now looks like my husband again instead of some old bum. (God, sometimes I miss the Air Force. They made him exercise, they made him dress neatly, and they were the ones grumbled about, not me.) I bought some more things yesterday, now that I know what size to buy for certain. Got myself a few new things, too. Also culled out the clothes closet and bureau, and have a large donation waiting for a local veterans group. Thing that made me feel good, besides donating the clothes, is that I got the things I bought yesterday at a really good sale price. I got a pair of really nice skinny jeans for $4. Ya can't beat that! They will mainly be worn around here because I consider myself a trifle long in the tooth for skinny jeans, but these do look pretty good, if I do say so... (Sorry , no photo. I can't make pictures of myself that look anything like decent. Husband doesn't like making my picture unless it is his idea, so I won't even ask.)
The recital I was supposed to sing in on Sunday has been cancelled. Karen, my teacher is ill. It is always scary when she gets sick, she has diabetes, and complications are always a possibility. She has taught me so much, but I still have so much to learn! She has to get better! I hope Adria and I get to sing our duet together sometime. It is SO pretty, and our voices blend so well. Karen knew they would. The aria I was going to sing solo is a really complicated business. I am kind of relieved not to have to sing it just now. It's fun, but I still trip over some of the words.
My husband did not go to judge at the barbecue competition today. They had a sign up problem so he wasn't needed after all. He wasn't feeling well anyway, so I have had him underfoot all day, but he has just been parked on the couch most of the day. If he doesn't feel a lot better soon, I will haul him to the clinic whether he wants to go or not.
Well, this disjointed and admittedly miscellaneous post is about to end. I have one last load of laundry to deal with, chicken to get into the oven, and then I think I am going to crash for awhile with my Nook and some good music. (Been listening to Rod Stewart's Great American Songbook albums lately. Beautiful music, and he does rather well with it, surprisingly so when you consider how he has mistreated his voice over the years. Most rock singers do mistreat their voices. Some can learn better habits, some can't. Sounds like Mr. Stewart learned some better habits.)
So, off I go to relax, I hope.
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