Monday, November 27, 2017

Trying To Rise Out Of The Miasma Of Inertia: More Musings From The Notebook

October 14, 2017
The wind is high
And out of the North now
Now that night
Is well advanced
But sleep is not
 In the equation
Just yet
So I sit with my
Cup of herbal tea
And my thoughts
And this notebook
And maybe
 A volume of forgotten lore
Or maybe a poem
By Poe

October 15, 2017

Random Stuff-

It was so lovely, cool, and breezy, that we had the windows open this evening.

Why does my nose only get stuffy right when it's time to go to sleep?

Strange how I get bits and pieces of arias stuck on repeat in my head -
I just hope my sub-conscious doesn't lead me into bad singing habits.

This set of pens is very plain and utilitarian, except for the top of the caps.  They have sparkly stones set on them.

Cooler days = more running tights and yoga pants for walk time.

October 18, 2017

More Random Stuff

You find out when you take active aggressor training at work if you are a big chicken or not.  I am a big chicken.  I have always known that.  That's how I survived living in Compton. I'm pretty good at hiding, blending into the scenery.

Like a Kelpian, I must have "threat ganglia" I can sometimes feel it when things are dangerous, and I get the heck outta Dodge.

Wishing my eyes would settle down some more.  The floaters are driving me nuts today.

October 26, 2017

Our library is a busy place.  I am so glad the children obviously enjoy being here.

Long desk shift today.  We are a bit short handed.  Interesting that I have still managed to walk enought to complete the 8 hours at 250 + steps per hour.

My weight is playing yo-yo again.  I wish it would go down and stay down.
 This would be easier to achieve if I did not buy ice cream...

We have a functioning fireplace again.  Just in time.  Supposed to be freezing this weekend--

So the little ghoulies and ghaisties will be chilled this year-

October 27, 2017

For the days of crows
Calling to one another
Have come
And the sun
Bends golden
Amber light to
Shine their feathers
And gild our world.

Yet also comes the raucous
North wind
Bringing chills
And promises of frost.

The time for Ghoulies and Ghaisties and long-leggety beasties
And things that go BUMP! in the night is fast approaching.

At least the wild winds and chilly air add to the spooky atmosphere.

Our library has more than our share of unhappy little spirits this morning.
Whinging and crying and making all the adults unhappy.

Tired.  So tired.
No good reason to be.
I just am.

November 18, 2017

I walk in the wild wind
With battalions of leaves
Clattering, scraping, scuttling
Their frantic way tgoward the South.
Ahead of the howling, pushing, rushing wind.

The sky to the North
Dark and foreboding
Like someone decided
The weather should match
The way I feel about
Our chances for survival
As a nation.
Ant though the sun
Was warm in spite of the wind,
Before I was halfway done
The dark clouds had encompassed the land
Pushing the sunlight away,
Thing is, I like this sort of windy weather
When the wind is high
And it seems almost
Anything can happen.
I tend to see hope in it
Rather than doom,
As if the blustery windIs a broom
Sweeping the land
Cleaning it up
For a brighter tomorrow.

All the loose things
All the things that
Or vibrate
Or swing and slam
Are apparent today
Because the wind
Has come to play.

It's that time of year that wenever I open the door, dozens of oak leaves make a mad rush to get in. As though they were living creatures in search of shelter.

November 2, 2017

This year I find myself
Both thankful
And ashamed.
Thankful to have all
The basics of life
Running water
Central heat
Hot water
A good sewer system
Medical insurance

Ashamed that I have done so little to ensure that others can hae a chance at them, and that I have not been more active in participating in our Democracy.

It is all dying before our very eyes.
Soon, only the very rich (and I don't mean average Americans like me), will have their needs met.

The cynical "no free rides" crowd will all be dying off like the rest of us because they don't have the resources to survive a sudden illness, no matter WHAT they think right now.

My husband will likely die far too young if our Congress and administration get their way and gut Medicare ad topple the VA and TriCare both.

I really cannot fathom such greed. 
If paying a little more in taxes will keep all of us healthier and more able to work, HOW IS THAT A BAD THING?

I am thankful that , at least for now, I live in a place where I can worship as I choose to , say what I think, read what I want, associate with the peole I choose to.
I fear that freedom has become more fragile than it once was, through our national laziness and complacency.

I grow very weary of the constant drone of bad news, the constant feeling that everything is falling apart.

Can we please remember that we're all in this boat together, and that together we have more resources to work with ?
Can we please remember to love one another no matter what we look like or believe?
All major eliefs argue for caring for one another, friend and stranger alike.

Can we please either fire or change the heart of a leader who would call the Good Samaritan a loser?
I pray daily that God would truly open his eyes and change his heart.  If ever someone needed redeeming, that man does.

Compassion is not just for those who think like you do.  It is for anyone who needs it.  Faith should make a diffenece in your behavior, in your response to those in need.

November 29, 2017

Tomorrow is St. Andrew's Day!
Scotland's patron saint and an advocate of kindness and sharing.  #BeLikeStAndrew

December 5, 2017

Time flies, I lose track
Life is going
Never coming back
The world's only constant
Seems to be change
But the more I look at it,
The more it seems the same.
Mankind full of hate,
Anger at his brother
Professing love too late
Lost to one another.We must wake up
We must see
We are all ONE
And all we'll ever be
Is responsible for each other
Just wait and see
When the call to judgement comes
What the questions will be
I was hungry, did you feed me?
I was sick, did you care?
I was naked , did you clothe me?
Or did you just stnad and glare?
Did you care?

December 7, 2017

Depression stalks us
It is a daily struggle
Not to give in to despair
So much bad news
No end in sight
Nobody seems to care
About their neighbor's plight.

December 13 , 2017

One more light in our National Darkness
A good man won the senate seat in Alabama
Over a monster
The sad thing is that it was so close.
It should have been a landslide in favor of a good, decent man over a child molester that was TWICE removed from the bench when he was a judge.

So, trying to build on this renewed hope, and look for ways to work toward making it easier for good people to be elected.

People seem starved for simple human kindness - a kind word, a gesture, help with a door, a reeting, all seem met with a smile.  It's cold out there - and I don't just mean the weather.

Online interactions can  be brutal.  I've had a few very unpleasant ones, but I've also had many, many more people stick up for me against the trolls, and say encouraging things.

In my job I am able to interact with people, and I always try to be positive.  I try to cheer up the world around me.

It seems to make a difference, at least for some people.

That's it for this journey through the journal, and I think it's quite enough. 

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