Friday, December 16, 2016

Thoughts on an Advent Evening

There are Christmas Cards yet to be sent,
And laundry that needs to be done,
But the wind outside is Howling fit
To make a banshee run,
And I  would rather curl up here
In my cozy nook
And listen to it moan so drear
While I read my book.

As I walk the neighborhood lately, I can tell it is that time of year,
When Zombie 'toons lounge in yards by day
And cartoon characters cavort in those same yards by night.
At least the drunken snowman that graced one yard every year is gone,
And poor worn out "biker Claus" has yet to appear.
And 16th Street after dark looks like it could give
Vegas a run for its money.

Sunday Morning:

And still the weather is restless
And rather undecided.
Fitful sun through heavy cloud,
Air rather misty after all the dryness,
Wind still high, but shifting around here downtown
Amid tall buildings . 
the air is a bit warmer,
But this promises to change
As it is but early in December yet.
Many levels and layers of clouds above us
But yet the sun breaks through
Now and then.

The bells call.
Time for the service to start,
but we don't have clergy or acolytes yet.

And now we are all processed  and seated, at sermon time already.

Friday, Dec 16

I spoke too soon about Biker Claus! 
He has returned in all his fading, careworn glory 
To cheer our neighborhood up for the Holiday.

The weather has been cold, very cold.
Today it is warmer, but it is very wet.
I walked yesterday morning, but not today.  
When it is wet, I am too likely to slip and fall.

it is approaching Christmas very quickly.
I must finish the preparations
Even though my spirit isn't completely in it at this point.

I need to bake a few things, find Matt a couple of treats, get the tree up,
And it seems time and the weather are trying to thwart me.
I am hoping that Monday, the day I need to go to the base to shop,
Is not too unpleasant as far as the roads go.  

It is so difficult to ignore the political situation as much as I would love to.
We need to be vigilant against the abuses this incoming administration is likely to try.
It is my fervent hope that the Electors decide to call for a new election, or to vote for someone else.  
This man has too many questionable ties that are easily proven.  
I know the other side felt this way about our current President, 
But there was NEVER the kind of evidence and interference that is evident in this election.

God help us.  We're going to need His help to survive this.

For once
The library is more or less quiet.
Except for one unhappy child
Who is ready to go home and have their nap.
The weather is dreary, 
But not cold
In fact, it is quite mild.
Many seem to be out and about
The parking lots and streets
Exemplify it -
All full and busy. 
Though nobody appears to be in here.

Though the road ahead appears dark and stormy
I know You are there to guide me.
I know You will not leave us to the enemy
But the dangers seem so close and so real
Even though nothing is as real as You.
Your love that has always provided all we have needed.
Always supported us, no matter how bleak the prospects seemed.
Please strengthen us for this journey
And help us know what You would have us do
In every situation with which we are faced.

This third week of Advent is almost done.
A time to celebrate the Joy of the Lord's appearing.
Difficult though Joy may be to summon
Some days for me.

Sunday, Dec 18

The Lessons and Carols service
We were all in good voice,
It felt good, it sounded good,
And we had a pretty good congregation.
NOW I'm in the Christmas spirit,
And looking forward to next weekend
And the joy of singing some more with my
Choir family!

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