Monday, April 27, 2015

Just Another Manic Monday...

Now that I've given you all a classic '80s earworm, yes, it's Monday again.

I had several things to do today, and I got MOST of them done.  In spite of rain that reminded me at times of my mother-in-law's description of "rain like an inverted ocean."  Seriously.  High-speed wind shield wipers almost didn't cut it.  
The ducks love it.  Our resident neighborhood Mallards have been out there most of the day snuffling through the puddles and thoroughly enjoying themselves.
I am not so sure the broom plant or my roses are going to like all that moisture so much.  It's good for the area in general, though.  
Today was grocery shopping day.  Thankfully, I got my walk in early, before the rain started. I am also grateful that the rain let up long enough for me to get the groceries from the commissary to my car.  Once home, I pulled the car close enough to the garage to be able to unload in relative dryness. 
Voice lesson was a challenge.  Been a LONG time since I had a lesson, and a long time since I've practiced enough.  My throat was not happy with me. 
I also managed to get the kitchen cleaned up and the dishwasher dealt with this afternoon. 

There's still a load of towels to be folded in the dryer, but hey, they're not goin' anywhere...

Five more days of antibiotics, tomorrow's the last day of the steroids. 
Oh, yeah, I got stung by what we THINK was a wasp while in Austin almost two weeks ago.  The spot was almost completely gone, not even very red when we left Austin.  Last Tuesday morning, it was itchy, really swollen, and red.  Seems wasp stings do that sometimes - they have a delayed reaction.  So, off to the clinic I went, and the doc said I had a fever, so antibiotics, and a steroid pack for the swelling and irritation.  It is not swollen at all anymore, the mark is almost gone.  Just a little bump where the actual sting was, and it's not even red.   Downside has been that I have to keep food in my stomach, or it gets really painful.  Don't even want to SEE the scale until next week after I've had a chance to normalize the food/exercise ratio.  The clothes mostly still fit, so that's good...

Today was also my Mom's 91st birthday.  Had to call and wish her a happy birthday, and confess that though I had a card, and had indeed gotten it READY to mail, I had neglected to get it into the mailbox until this morning.  She laughed, and said that everybody's card seemed to be late this year.  She sounds good, and was having a great birthday.  Someone from her church brought her a little birthday cake, all decorated.  She says she'll probably take it to the dining room to share with the other residents who sit at her table. 

Days like this I usually prefer to spend curled up in my office with a book.  I only got to do that for a little while today.  I think I'll go do that some more before bedtime. 
Just checking in so that I don't get out of the habit of writing in this blog completely.

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