Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Trying Another Story

Madame Skye, our own Opera Cat
Yesterday, I posted a video of myself reading my very favorite children's book. 
I decided to try another story today.  This one is called Opera Cat, written by Tess Weaver and illustrated by Andrea Wesson. 
The book is one I became very fond of once I realized I had an Opera Cat.  Though our Madame Skye couldn't sing, she enjoyed hearing me sing opera, and would appear, and make commentary or faces depending upon what and how I sang.  The song featured in this story is by Verdi, but Madame preferred Mozart.  In fact, she would only respond to a summons if it was the song "Deh Viene Non Tardar" from Marriage of Figaro.  And usually, only if I sang it.  I still miss her when I practice, because she was there for every one.  She'd come in and sit on a chair or table close to me, and offer her opinion. 
Our Opera Cat is very much missed.

I cannot imagine what she'd make of me singing the "Queen of the Night" aria.  If ever a temper tantrum were put into song, this is it.

Anyway, without further ado, I give you Opera Cat

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