Wednesday was the day after my birthday, and I had to go in to work for a short meeting. I didn't mind, after all, it was a short, productive meeting, and I got to see my fabulous coworkers!
I also bragged to a select few about my birthday tweet from Ron Perlman!
Before my meeting, I stopped at Lowe's to get a new doorbell. Seems the reason we didn't know when my flowers arrived on Tuesday was that the doorbell was broken. Our friend Mike discovered that when he arrived. I did all the things I could think of, and it didn't resurrect the doorbell, so I bought a new one. It was an easy replacement job, as both this one and the old one are wireless doorbells. No electricity involved!
This is the inside portion of the new doorbell. The new button is also dark, which will make it easier to see on the white woodwork next to the front door! I will not be posting a picture of the bell because it is freakin' COLD our there right now, and I didn't make a picture the other day.
Took me just a few minutes, and the doorbell was back in working order. Doesn't sound like real bells like the old one did, but it's a doorbell. Plays Westminster Chimes.
After the meeting, I went to Kohl's to check out the sales. I found a black pencil skirt in a size that I can wear now, as opposed to the ones I have that I pray stay up when I wear them. I also found a very nice pair of black Levis in the cut and size that I really like. Nice to have enough pairs of decent jeans to wear. I also found some really nice fleece thermal tops. They are thin enough to layer under a sweater, and they are WARM. I may exchange the shirt I'm wearing now for one of them.
For dinner that night, we had leftover corned beef and toast. Just the good things. Of course, there was cake for dessert...

That was excellent corned beef, and a very good cake, if I do say so myself!
We also actually managed to make it to choir practice Wednesday night! It was a relief to be there again!
On Thursday morning, I had an appointment with my hairdresser. Time for a trim and to re do the color. (The older I get, the more often this must be done. Not ready to let the gray out yet. I wanna wait until it's a little better distributed than it is right now...) After my haircut, I came home and took another shower (itchy cut bits of hair all over the place) but of course, didn't wash my hair. (Can't wash until after the color's had 24 hours to settle in.) I got dressed, and though I had wanted to go out shopping again, I just didn't feel like it. I lazed around and read a lot. (Hey, what else is a vacation for?)
On Friday, I got up, did my walk, and got myself out to the stores. I got a frame for the one autographed picture of Ron that was not already hanging in my office, and I got cartridges for the ink jet printer, and I stopped at Penney's, where I found a lovely silver grey top on sale, and a little black dress on clearance for $9.99!! I could totally not believe that the dress was only $10, but it was. Fits beautifully, and will be very versatile, as any little black dress should be.
The rest of Friday was a lazy lovely day.
Saturday I did laundry and read and played on Twitter. Watched Quest For Fire last night, and when we were done, picked up Twitter to find the #Perlgirls all upset that Ron had apparently injured his hand. He tweeted us eventually that he was OK, just had a little accident. He knows we worry. Well, I feel kinda like I have an extra brother these days. I do worry about him, like I worry about my brothers and my sister. God knows, I even used the family admonition on him when we said goodbye in Dallas. Yup. I told him to behave himself. (Like THAT'S going to happen!) ;)
So, after all the excitement last night, I went back to my reading and finished folding my last load of clothes. Then I took my Nook to bed and read there for awhile until Matt was ready to go to sleep. Still working on too many books at once and not finishing any. (At least I didn't finish one this week. I have to update my Goodreads, because I have finished a couple since the last update.)
This morning, I got up, got myself organized and got showered and dressed, and then looked at the road conditions. No way were we going to make it safely to church. Well, we might have gotten there, but we would not have made it home, given what the weather has been doing since about noon. It was already icy and snowing a little, but since noon we have had thunder sleet and snow. Roads are REALLY awful now. So, even though I have a great haircut and had a great outfit, I had to stay home. But I made pictures.
Here's the new silver grey blouse and the new skirt. I know this will be comfy even under choir vestments, and I did have a jacket to wear over it for the rest of the time. (Plus I would have worn one of my hooded capes) The outfit with jacket is shown below:
I also was playing around with the camera and came up with this self portrait:
It looks like I've seen something suspicious on my phone, doesn't it?
That wraps up the birthday week pretty much. I discovered while eating my cereal this morning that one of my molars has a problem. Perhaps a broken filling, perhaps time for another crown. Much as it hurts, I suspect a crown in my future. Doesn't help that the sinus issues have already got all the nerves in the area unhappy. Going to be fun trying to get to the dentist tomorrow too, always assuming he can see me.
So Birthday Week ends not with a bang, but with a whimper. At least it'll be easy to stick to my diet until I get the tooth fixed. Eating can get painful. Still at 139 pounds right now, but I'll take it. Better than 168, which is where I started out last year.
Here's hoping I'll be down to 130 or 125 by next Birthday Week, 'cause that's my goal weight.
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