I also got some new dvds to watch. This is the complete series of Beauty and the Beast, a TV series that ran in the late '80s. I never got to watch the first run of the show because I was taking graduate courses that met that evening, and in those days there were no DVRs.

I don't know why I like the series so much, but it has a style, an atmosphere all its own that makes it very enjoyable. It also tends to have a moral message for each episode, much as Star Trek did, and that was always one of the reasons I loved Star Trek. It was trying to teach us about the importance of being humane as well as human.
Another fun thing to come about this week is that I found a new printing of an old cookbook that I adore. It is called The Scots Kitchen : Its Traditions (or Lore) and Recipes. The original was published in 1929, the old copy I have was reprinted in 1968. The new version was printed in 2010, with a forward, and some new notes and recipe updates, by Catherine Brown, who wrote the cookbook I found my treasured shortbread recipe in. I look forward to exploring the new edition of this fascinating old classic.
I also have been playing around on Pinterest a lot, and I tried a recipe today that I found posted there by a friend. 7up Biscuits. They are very easy to make, and come out so light, tender and luscious that it is a recipe well worth keeping.
7up Biscuits
2 cups Bisquick
1/2 cup Sour Cream
1/2 cup 7up
1/4 cup butter
Oven to 450 degrees F.
Cut sour cream into Bisquick. Add 7up. Dough will be soft. Turn out onto board sprinkled with more Bisquick. Lightly knead a few times, form into a square and cut into squares for biscuits. Melt butter in 9x9 square pan.
Place each biscuit in pan, one at a time, turning to be sure both sides are buttered. You may have to squish them together a little, but that's OK.
Bake them in the 450 degree oven for about 12 minutes, or until golden brown.
Now that I've had some fun talking about the fun things going on, I think I better get back to work. I will link this to my Nerdy Dozen blog so people from Pioneer can find it.
OMG I can't wait to try your biscuits. You'll have to let me know when you update just so I can have your recipe secrets :)