Here I thought I had saved this lovely blog entry, all about my evening a few days ago on the patio, fighting the mosquitoes while watering the gardens. Sigh. Seems technology has failed me, and my tablet app for Blogger dumped the whole thing except the title. Didn't send it to the regular website, either, and it's supposed to.
I am still waiting to get my refraction (eyeglasses prescribed) exam. That will happen on Thursday. Right after that exam, I have a pressure check with Dr. Harvey, just to see how things are going.
I am still waiting to get my refraction (eyeglasses prescribed) exam. That will happen on Thursday. Right after that exam, I have a pressure check with Dr. Harvey, just to see how things are going.
There hasn't been much time and/or energy to write in the poetry journal. I will try to see if there are any good things to add.
Sept. 6, 2017
Still a few weeks until I ge tested for new glasses. Making do with readers.
No need for distance glasses, really. Maybe a bit of fine tuning, but that's all.
Will probably get progressive lenses again, because I like the easy transition between focal lengths.
No need for distance glasses, really. Maybe a bit of fine tuning, but that's all.
Will probably get progressive lenses again, because I like the easy transition between focal lengths.
Wondering why I feel so defeated and tired.
My favorite season will soon be here, with golden days and crisp nights -
Choir rehearsals resume again tonight.
My favorite season will soon be here, with golden days and crisp nights -
Choir rehearsals resume again tonight.
As long ago as 1937, people recognized that the Arts reinforce other disciplines as well as adding joy to life. Hendrick Van Loon wrote in the "How To Use This Book" chapter of The Arts that "You will be a much better draftsman for knowing something about the structure of a symphony."
He argues quite forcefully for the importance of being acquainted with the masterworks in all Arts -as a way of being knowledgeable about the Arts themselves, and about the art of observing the world around us. And for it's greatest purpose - to make life something worth living.
The book appears to be a history of the Arts through the ages beginning with pre-history.
Still - I wonder why so many in political power denigrate the Arts, see them as "Frills" and not essential to a complete education. Perhaps because the Arts allow for political commentary on the sly - and often artists are the ones who lead resistance to an oppressive regime. Our current administration certainly qualifies as repressive and oppressive.
The book appears to be a history of the Arts through the ages beginning with pre-history.
Still - I wonder why so many in political power denigrate the Arts, see them as "Frills" and not essential to a complete education. Perhaps because the Arts allow for political commentary on the sly - and often artists are the ones who lead resistance to an oppressive regime. Our current administration certainly qualifies as repressive and oppressive.
September 11, 2017
Another anniversary of a difficult, heartbreaking day.
So much extra sadness for us in OKC; so many of the first responders lost on 9/11 were some who had come to help with our recover efforts after April 19, 1995.
We have always felt the support of and kinship with NYC. Our memorial committees worked together - there is much common ground between two cities whose hearts were broken.
So much extra sadness for us in OKC; so many of the first responders lost on 9/11 were some who had come to help with our recover efforts after April 19, 1995.
We have always felt the support of and kinship with NYC. Our memorial committees worked together - there is much common ground between two cities whose hearts were broken.
September 15, 2017
As Summer slowly
Stumbles toward
The bright jeweled
Corpses of cicadas
Litter the ground
Along with the very first
Falling leaves.
Almost gone are the
Dry bones rattles
And few and far between
The other-worldly, frenzied
Twanging of their
Evening songs.
Stumbles toward
The bright jeweled
Corpses of cicadas
Litter the ground
Along with the very first
Falling leaves.
Almost gone are the
Dry bones rattles
And few and far between
The other-worldly, frenzied
Twanging of their
Evening songs.
Still Summer tries to
Rally, as the hot, fetid breeze
Comes up from Texas
Bringing way too much
Ragweed pollen with it.
Rally, as the hot, fetid breeze
Comes up from Texas
Bringing way too much
Ragweed pollen with it.
So, we will greet with joy
The first hard frost
And until then
Meet Fall
With stuffy noses
And many sneezes.
The first hard frost
And until then
Meet Fall
With stuffy noses
And many sneezes.
September 16, 2017
I sit here at my desk, with my desktop computer on behind this tablet as I type. Matthew is cooking dinner, and the aromas of taco seasoned beef are distracting me from this job. My stomach insists on reminding me that I have been cutting back on what I am eating. Which has paid off, I have already dropped more than two pounds since the debauchery of the weeks after my eye surgery.
There is a new gadget in my life, replacing one that has been my companion pretty much 24/7 for more than four years now. I have a new Fitbit. This one is on a wrist band, and shows more stats, like heart rate. I am trying it, and hoping it works long term, because things that fit my wrist snugly have a history of causing a nerve reaction in me. I get bad itching and irritation, or at least, I did for awhile. It's been several years since I wore a watch, so maybe now things will be better. Also, you can change bands on this Fitbit very easily, and I have 12 different colored bands I can wear with it, so I shouldn't have the issues I had before with just one watch band all the time. I also follow the instructions, and take it off for awhile if I am going to be sedentary for a long period of time, as I am right now. I DO wear it to bed at night, as it uses heart rate to determine quality of sleep. (Not definitive by any means, but it gives me an idea of what goes on) I also clean it regularly.
So far, it has been fun, but has required me to take my reading glasses on my walks with me, so that I can see the screen if I need to. (Going to ask the optical shop about getting a pair of "fitness sunglasses" that have the reading lense as well as the distance in them...)
There is a new gadget in my life, replacing one that has been my companion pretty much 24/7 for more than four years now. I have a new Fitbit. This one is on a wrist band, and shows more stats, like heart rate. I am trying it, and hoping it works long term, because things that fit my wrist snugly have a history of causing a nerve reaction in me. I get bad itching and irritation, or at least, I did for awhile. It's been several years since I wore a watch, so maybe now things will be better. Also, you can change bands on this Fitbit very easily, and I have 12 different colored bands I can wear with it, so I shouldn't have the issues I had before with just one watch band all the time. I also follow the instructions, and take it off for awhile if I am going to be sedentary for a long period of time, as I am right now. I DO wear it to bed at night, as it uses heart rate to determine quality of sleep. (Not definitive by any means, but it gives me an idea of what goes on) I also clean it regularly.
So far, it has been fun, but has required me to take my reading glasses on my walks with me, so that I can see the screen if I need to. (Going to ask the optical shop about getting a pair of "fitness sunglasses" that have the reading lense as well as the distance in them...)
I have been informed that it is time to start getting the amendments for the burritos ready, so I shall end this post here.