Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Trying New Things

I am trying something new today. I am trying to write a post to this blog while on the Customer Service Desk. As school is just letting out, I may have a few moments grace to get something written before the hordes descend.
Normally, if we don't have a customer, there isn't much else to do out here. I don't feel too bad, I've already checked out several people, made two library cards, and gotten a nice comment from a customer who hasn't used the RFID checkout before.
Those check out stations are really cool, and most customers really like them. Unfortunately, there are some for whom technology will always be a challenge. There are some the computers always act up for, and I cannot figure out why. They appear to be doing everything right. I have even stood there and gone through it with them and the computer will toss them over to our desk for some reason known only to its dark little circuit boards. For some people, it really ISN'T their fault.
I am getting ready to try something new at home. Recording my singing. That is a little bit scary, since I never like the way I sound on recordings. We shall have to see if I can a) get through a whole piece without screwing up, and b) hack hearing myself in the headphones.
(Wearing headphones is another issue for me. I have NEVER liked them.)
I am not usually very big on trying new things. I like predictability. I have learned to be more open to change and trying new things by working in the library. We always change things and try new approaches in order to find the best possible way to get books and information to our customers. Sometimes new things work, sometimes they don't, but you never find out if you don't try.
I am working up my courage to try learning the spreadsheet so I can put our checkbook stuff on the computer at home. I don't like having too much of that stuff on the computer, but the budget needs some more readily accessible form to be in so Matt can take care of it if anything happens to me. I don't understand how he sets up spreadsheets, so I have a big learning curve ahead of me. I know how I think about the stuff, but I don't know if a spreadsheet will do it the way my brain does. I don't think about this stuff the way "normal"people do, evidently. (I loathe this keyboard. Half the keys stick. Makes inputting cards really fun.)

Ah, the after school rush approaches. Updates at 10.

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