Friday, November 16, 2007


A hypno book is a book that keeps you so involved in reading that you lose all track of time. It is the book that you read for hours on end with no break.
I have met a few of these over the years. Usually good stories like the Pern novels by Anne McCaffrey, or a good mystery by any of my favorite authors. (Susan Wittig Albert, Sue Grafton, M.C. Beaton, Sarah J. Mason, among others.)
Right now it seems the latest novel by Jan Karon is a hypno book for me. I have to be careful not to pick it up in the middle of other projects, because it is hard to put it down. Her books can be awfully sentimental, and some might say sappy, but I like their quiet Southern charm.
I almost didn't get my housework finished today because I got involved in that book while waiting for the cleanser to soak in the sink. (Old porcelain sink, must let the cleanser soak in to get rid of stubborn stains.)
I must not fall victim to it again until after the dishes are done this evening.
I have to come up with something for dinner, and get the cleanup done after before I can rest and read.
Even then, I will likely be disturbed because my husband and I need to start recording our Christmas cd. That will be time consuming and I hope not too frustrating.

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