Saturday, November 24, 2007

Catching Up

We spent this Thanksgiving with friends. I haven't seen them for awhile, and it was nice to get caught up on everyone's activities. We had a nice meal and good fellowship.
I spent Black Friday cleaning house, since my husband had to work but I had the day off. I got the whole place cleaned, and even did some re-organizing for less clutter.
We made our "Thanksgiving" meal today. We had a turkey breast that we had meant to cook for Thanksgiving before I ran into my friend Susan on Monday. So, now we have our own leftovers to work on.
I am not ready for the Christmas season to be upon us already. I have grown to hate the over-commercialization of what is supposed to be a religious celebration. The church activities are a real lifesaver for my sanity this time of year. Concentrating on the reason we are supposed to celebrate is more satisfying now than running after gifts and trimmings etc. I like to bake some treats, share them, and buy a few small gifts, send a few cards, but I no longer try to buy stuff for everybody.
That is one of the luxuries of not having children. I don't have to do much about the season gift wise if I don't want to . My husband is hard to buy for, and he knows that there will be a few little things, but mostly we are just happy to have the time together, after all the years when there was always the possibility that we wouldn't be. We never missed a Christmas together, not even during the Gulf War. (Thank you Col. M+11, wherever you are. ) His crew was home for aircraft maintenance, and the Wing commander wanted to go back down with them, but he wanted to do it the day AFTER Christmas. So one whole crew got to be at home base for Christmas.
So, I must plan what I will do for the season, and get busy getting things done. So far, we have part of my Mom's present complete. We have recorded about half of the Christmas music we want to send her. Now we have to finish it, Matt has to tweak it and put it on the cd. Ought to be interesting to see what we end up with.

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