Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Of Winter and Weight Gain

I have discovered that there is no way I will reach even my amended weight goal by my birthday. I have managed to keep at least 10 pounds off from what I was when I started.
The problem comes in that winter makes me hungry and keeps me from exercising. There have been several days already this year that we have been snowed in, and I couldn't do much of anything but sit around and eat. I also bake and cook and eat. Too icy to walk outside with the dog, and the treadmill gets really old after awhile.
Then I do things like make this fabulous chocolate cake I have in the works tonight just because I feel like it. At least I did my workout this morning!
The gray skies and unending precipitation are really getting me down . I could do with a little less ice and snow, thank you. At least dog and I can walk even if it's cold, IF the sidewalks are clear!