Sunday, November 4, 2007

If It's Not One Thing...

Life seems to be constant only in the number of things that pop up that you weren't expecting.
We have had to deal with major car repairs when we weren't really expecting them. (There goes the "savings")
At least we have the money, though we have to scrape, to pay for it. What happens to people who just don't have it? I will pray for them even as I listen to my whimpering bank account. What with gas prices driving up the prices of everything else, how is most of the Middle Class in America supposed to survive? How about folks like my Mom, on a fixed income?
I don't think much of anyone among our overpaid and overly wealthy government cares. They are also going to have to stick it to us even more to pay for their excesses soon. (They would never tax the higher income people, that would mean THEY would have to pay more taxes!)

On happier subjects, the weather is still Fall like without being too cold. None of my plants have frozen yet, though many need a drink of water, so I guess I better get out there tomorrow and do my watering. The trees are finally starting to turn pretty colors, and , alas, drop leaves. I will have to mow in order to pick up the leaves. The grass hasn't grown, but the lawns are covered in leaves, and I don't know about you, but raking them up just doesn't sound like that much fun.
I am not getting used to the time change very well yet. I feel drowsy too early in the evening, and I wake up before the alarm in the morning. At least I did today. We'll have to see about tomorrow. Usually I enjoy "falling back", but it feels very strange this year. Maybe because it happened so late.
Let us hope Fate is through playing games around here, at least for awhile.

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