Sunday, February 2, 2014

Things That Make You Bang Your Head On Your Desk

Seeing the Social Media traffic after the Coca Cola "America Is Beautiful" spot has been the first occasion that I have really wanted to bang my head vigorously on my desk lately.  WHAT ON EARTH ARE THESE PEOPLE USING FOR BRAINS?  Dear God, is ANYONE really THAT stupid?  We are in big trouble if they are.
First off, they don't even know what the National Anthem actually is.  They seem to think America The Beautiful is.  It is NOT.  The Star Spangled Banner (crappy, awful to sing mess that it is) is our National Anthem.  It is sung to the tune of an old British drinking song called "To Anacreon In Heaven."  When Francis Scott Key wrote the words to that song, he wrote it as a poem.  It was during a battle off the coast where he could see the flag flying over Ft. McHenry.  The crew members who saw the poem, started singing those words to the drinking tune to make fun of it, or so goes the legend that I've heard.

Secondly, people are posting that everyone here should "speak American."  Uh, there IS NO LANGUAGE CALLED "AMERICAN".  The language is English.  English, especially as used in this country, borrows heavily from just about every other language on the planet.  Just as this country has citizens from just about every other nation on the face of the Earth.  We are a diverse nation, people.  That has long been our strength.  Our ability to put our very different ideas and backgrounds together to solve problems is what has helped us thrive.  Our very government was put together using bits and pieces of ideas and systems from other places and times.
I suppose some feel threatened by diversity, maybe because they don't really understand it, or because they can't see beyond what's different to see that the most important things are the same.
Don't fear the different, look at it as a resource, a knowledge base, a  new piece of the puzzle that is this wonderful country.  Our forefathers did.  They knew enough to have vision, to look beyond what was obvious.
All human beings need freedom to think, express themselves, learn, grow, worship (or not) and pursue happiness.  That is what makes us strong in our diversity.  Our very human sameness.
Go back and actually read the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence.  Remember that everyone loves their children, their family, their home.  People who make this country their home love it just as much as you do.  They are people just like you, with the same kind of dreams.  A good life for themselves and their families.  Fear and hatred never lead to solutions.  They only lead to more problems.  Love leads to solutions.  Think about it.

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