Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Tuesday Trials

This was a day destined to have its issues.  First off, I accidentally shut off the alarm instead of snoozing it.  Woke up about 40 min later than I wanted to.  Luckily, I didn't have to be at work until 1pm, but there were things I wanted to get done that didn't get done. 

I had a little time to read, got my email and other computer housekeeping done, did my walk, and then it was shower,  get ready for work, and boogie!

Once I got to work, I had to tackle a stack of ILL returns.  (ILL is short for Inter Library Loan.)   These are the books our customers are done with, and need to go back to our service center and from thence on to their owning libraries.  That wasn't bad, then I did the items that needed their RFID tags replaced.  After that, it was work the sorter until 3, when I had to go out to the desk for two hours.  Oh, my.  There was a children's program today, and there were lots of little kiddos in superhero
costumes along with their parents invading our space.  There are also about 25 dozen people at a time looking for tax forms.  Our booklets, etc run out on a regular basis, and we rarely have a chance to get out there and put more out.  On top of all this goodness, the movie box broke down. This was the desk shift from hell. 

I had to answer lots of phone calls about taxes, tax assistance, tax forms, etc, too.  ALL of us do.  Library people get REALLY sick of tax questions this time of year.  I think there ought to be prizes awarded if we conduct a conversation involving tax forms without sighing.

On the positive side, my wonderful husband is cooking dinner again tonight, so I was able to go out and have a nice, relaxing walk around the neighborhood before it got dark.  It is nice and warm here right now, very odd for February, and I was able to go walking in my capris and a t-shirt.  (My lucky t-shirt from Michael Ornstein, with the Blue Sweater painting on it. Needed the Power of the Art today!)
After my walk, Matt discovered he was too low on soy sauce to do the recipe he was working on, so I walked up to the market and bought some.  (Extra steps, now I'm over 11K steps for the day, WooHoo!)
The photo at the right was not made today, but the weather is similar.  Clouds and bright sun. 
I think I am going to go put my feet up and read some more before supper. I think I've earned it!

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