Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Of New Years, Old Problems, And General Stuff

It was a fond dream of mine that 2014 would be much better than 2013 had been (with at least one shining exception in October.)  Alas, not so far.  So far, old problems are still with us.  Like the drywall in the garage.  Or lack thereof. 
Today, after wasting ALL DAY yesterday waiting for drywall hangers that never showed up, we at last have the guys here putting up the drywall.  That, at least is progress.  God willing, and they don't run into trouble of some unforeseen kind.
I had also hoped to have this round of Nerdy Dozen Web 2.0 training for work done long before this.  Alas, not quite.  Got to get busy and cram about four modules into the next few days. Shouldn't take too long if I can just resist the allure of Twitter, my email, Facebook, the books I'm trying to get read...
This post is one I am going to try and incorporate into the training module for QR codes.  QR codes can be fun.  There is a lot you can do with a little coded square that smart phones can scan.  You can link it to all sorts of things.  Like this poor, neglected blog.  Many companies use them on product packaging or on ads to link to a site with more information about the product and its use.  We can and have used them on program fliers at the library to link to more info about the program we are presenting, or directions to the library, or any number of informative things.  I think a QR code scavenger hunt would be fun.  Clues to other clues just codes you have to find in their semi-hidden locations. Easily doable these days.  Would really only need one person in each group of players with a smart phone, and they are FAR more common these days than they were even a year ago.

Another ongoing problem is supposedly on the way to being fixed. The water line leak has been looked at, a bid submitted to the insurance people, and supposedly soon I should get a date and time for repair from the plumber involved.  We'll see.  We'll also see how much of my leave I'll have to waste to get it.  (Matt's wasted two days of his on the drywall project.)

My weight has gone up about 3 pounds.  Holiday bad eating habits!  Time to get back to the serious diet and exercise regimen.  Trying to step up the activity a little to see if I can burn more.  Also trying NOT to buy the tempting stuff.  Hard this time of year.  There's chocolate EVERYWHERE!!! (Valentine's Day is coming, after all!)

Now, in order to keep that resolution to move more, and to keep the one about finishing Nerdy Dozen, I better go get my walk in and then get some work done. 
Here's a picture of our garage drywall in progress.  Staring to look like a garage again!

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