Sunday, January 12, 2014

Ah, Procrastination

Ah, procrastination, my old friend.
I've come to waste time with you again.
Before the glow of a computer screen
I surf the backwaters of Facebook memes.
But the To Do list
That is rolling
Through my brain
Won't contain
It's impatience
With my task avoidance.

There are SO many things I SHOULD be doing right now.  Three more little activities to blog about for work, and I'll be done with that training program.  Just can't stick with it.  One last load of clothes to tumble in the dryer and then fold,  but I'm avoiding them.  Maybe seven birthday cards for fellow staffers to make, and one for family, and I'm puttin' it off again.
Just got a bad case of the Lazies these days.  Don't know why.  Not bummed out about anything really, not feeling ill or achy, just  "meh" about a lot of things.

Part of the procrastination is useful, it makes me think about things a bit more before I set off to do them.  My subconscious chews on things and comes up with new ideas when I'm not looking.
I have little chores like copying my last voice lesson off the digital recorder and onto the computer, and charging the recorder, and finding a copy of the piece Karen wants me to look at, and there are books I should be reading, but, boy, if I can just sit here and veg out.  I will.  I read fan fiction.  (Yes, a dirty little secret of fandom, some fans write, and others read.  Some of it is really good, some is abysmal. )  That is my mental chewing gum.  For my Mom, it was romance novels that she called "chewing gum for the brain."  For me, it's fanfics.
There is also Facebook and Twitter.  Facebook for more pictures, funny stories, catching up with family.  Twitter for news of the shows, stars, writers, etc. and some very special friends that I keep up with.

There are some ongoing annoyances as well.  The repair of the slow leak in the water line that continues (and costs us money both on water and on the sewer rate adjustment for the coming year) is still in limbo waiting to hear back about whether the bid from the plumber was accepted, and which plumber will do the work.  Also ongoing annoyance about getting an appointment for a check up at the clinic. Have to call them, NO appointments showing on the online calendar.

On other topics, I had the opportunity (or should I say I had no choice) to sing the descant on the anthem in church today all by myself.  The other first soprano was absent.  If I may say so, I think I did a pretty good job.  May have gone a little under on the last verse, but overall, not bad.  I don't know why, but singing at church by myself makes me a LOT more nervous than singing all by myself at recital does.  Maybe because most of my fellow choristers are better singers than I , and I feel self- conscious.  At recital, I'm usually one of the more advanced students.

This past week at work, I had to move out of the "shared cubicle" that all of us part-timers use, and back to a work area built in near the door into the department.  One advantage, better display space for the Perlman pictures!  Main disadvantages:  Less actual work surface space, less storage, and MORE TRAFFIC!  (And lookie loos because people leave the door open into the work area as they come and go with carts.) 
Here are a couple of pictures of the "Perlman Gallery" or the "Perlman Shrine" , depending on whom you ask:
 This wall can be seen from the doorway.  Top certificate is my certificate of graduation from the Pioneer Library System Academy, meaning I completed all the required job training set for me at that time.
The picture on the right is next to the computer, only visible from the workspace itself, or the cubicles behind it.

There is also a wall that faces the back door, and it has a copy of the Hellboy picture signed for my young colleague who also uses this work area.  (And I think my Nerdy Dozen certificate for finishing the first round of web 2.0 training is on that wall, too.)

I have a talking Dalek stuffed toy that is on the shelf above the desk soon to be joined by a baby penguin and a mini minion figure.  There will also be a Clay Morrow Pop figure on the desk soon.

Gotta keep the fan love alive!

Here's the final wall of the "Perlman Gallery"  Darrin's HellBoy pic, and my Nerdy Dozen certificate.

This move was in preparation for a third 40-hour person coming to join our department.  I am hopeful that my superiors have chosen well, and that this person will blend well with our little band of crazy circulators.  (Hey, we may be nuts, but we have fun, and boy, do we get a lot of work done!)

Except me, at home, right now.  Not getting a whole lot done except writing this blog post.  Which is one of the things I've been meaning to do, just not one of the ones I really SHOULD be doing at this particular time.

As always, thanks for reading.  If you've made it this far, I salute you!  You are obviously one of the Bored and/or the Brave!

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