Monday, September 14, 2015

The Saga Of Our Comic Con Trip

"Happy anniversary," he said, "I bought us tickets to Alamo City Comic Con in San Antonio.  Ron AND Michael will be there, and I know how much you want to meet Michael, and get Ron to sign your book."
He was right, it was the best anniversary gift ever.  I was afraid I put it in jeopardy by falling and hurting my leg, but the leg has healed nicely, and I was good to go for our epic journey.
To get to San Antonio from Moore, Oklahoma, one must drive for a VERY long time if one is not willing to pay for plane tickets.  We were not willing to pay for plane tickets.  We were in the car for about eight hours, plus a couple of pit stops.
The only bad thing that happened was that Matt left his cell phone behind at one stop, and by the time we realized it, someone had taken it.  We suspended the service to the phone, reported it stolen, and the insurance is sending a new one.  None of his accounts have been messed with, he changed all his passwords, and soon as he gets his replacement phone, he'll be in good shape.
We still managed to have a blast at the con.

First and foremost, I got to meet someone I have communicated with on Twitter for more than two years now.  Someone that has reached out in kindness and absolutely made my day with a tweet.  Something just that simple, a small kindness, really, takes just seconds, and it can turn around a person's whole day, which can, in turn, make the day better for everyone they come in contact with.  That's what Michael Ornstein did for me with a short little tweet on a day that was going south rapidly for me.
It had been a hectic morning at our library, and I was getting ready to go out to the Customer Service Desk, and I wasn't in a very positive mood.  I checked my Twitter on my break, and Michael had posted a picture of one of his most recent paintings.  His use of color is amazing.  He paints things that look like they are lit from inside, luminous, gorgeous.  I responded to the post and thanked him for posting it, because I needed to see something beautiful that day.  His reply: "Go look in the mirror." I almost cried.  So very sweet, and just made me remember that bad days will pass, there is beauty inside that we can let out.
I was so glad to meet Michael in person, and finally PROPERLY thank him for that tweet, and give him a big hug.  Not only did he make my day, but by cheering me up, he helped quite a few of our library patrons have a better library visit than they might have.  Easier to smile and be pleasant and helpful when you remember that you carry something beautiful in your heart all the time.  Love.  Letting it out doesn't deplete it, it just makes it better, makes it multiply. It's the truth.  I know.
Michael and I had a couple of nice chats during the con, and he signed one of the prints of his paintings he had for me.  

Yours Truly and Michael Ornstein- Actor, artist, all around great human being. I was wearing my "lucky shirt" one with one of Michael's paintings on it, that I have worn during 3 different tornadoes, and I've made it through unscathed each time.( I figure the shirt couldn't hurt, and neither does the prayer and pleading that goes on while I'm hiding in that closet!)
On Saturday, we finally caught up with my pals Mary and Jana, and we all went to see Ron.  (Perlman, that is.)  Ron looks like a tough guy, he can be a tough guy, I have no doubt, but he's really a big sweetheart.  At least to us.  He loves his fans, and he knows that the three of  us have been in  his corner for a long time.  He always seems genuinely glad to see us, always wants hugs and smooches, and kids around with us.  It always astounds me that he really does know who we are, remembers us, and cares about us.  He's busier than he was a while back, so he doesn't tweet quite as much  as he once did, but he has also reminded me that I am not invisible, even when I sometimes feel like I must be. Never one as dramatic as the tweet from Michael that came at  JUST the right moment, but still.  Just when I figure he's too busy to catch any of our tweets anymore, he'll favorite, or respond with a word or two, letting us know he's keeping tabs on us.
I have lost about 30 pounds over the last 2 1/2 years or so, and just this last year, I've gotten into better shape by walking and working out with weights more.  Ron made it a point to tell me that I look great.  Makes me feel good to know the hard work is noticed.  (Oh, my husband notices, but hey, he sees me every day!)  Ron always looks amazing.  He seems to get better looking every year.  I have told him it isn't fair.
Here's me with Ron, who looks better every time we see him.  My favorite actor, and one hell of a nice guy.
I always enjoy a chance to see my friends Mary and Jana.  There are others in our little fan group  that I have met, and enjoy spending time with, too, but I've seen Mary and Jana the most.  We have history.  We always have fun together, and if we stop giggling, it's probably because we finally fell asleep.  Hope to meet the rest of the #Perlgirls in person some day.  Especially Fi.  I love that girl, feel like I've known her for always, and I've never met her in person.  The stories I read and put on YouTube are mostly for her little boy. (Though I hope my grand nephews and other kiddos who might enjoy the stories also watch and listen. Like Malory's kids.  Mal's another of the #Perlgirls, and I've met her too.  She looks like she's about 15, but she's  an Air Force vet, a mom, and a very energetic and sweet gal.)
We didn't get to spend enough time together this trip, but then, Matt designed this as an anniversary celebration for us.  (A bit early, but still, we've been married 31 years now, so we're entitled to celebrate early.)  (Actual anniversary is September 22.)
So, because Matt and I spent some quality time together, I didn't get to hang out with my friends as much as I wanted.  We did, however, meet up for a visit with Ron, the SOA panel, and the photo op with Ron.
Here's the Three Amigas right before the SOA Reunion Panel on Saturday. ( My long suffering spouse is on my left.)
We still had fun together, and Mary and Jana had a chance to go out and have fun on their own.  Matt and I went out to a very nice dinner at Fogo de Chao for our "anniversary dinner".  Excellent food in a relaxing atmosphere.

Popping back to Friday for a moment, we also visited with Kim Coates, Ryan Hurst, and Mark Boone. Kim had his helper take a picture of him with Matt and I.  The one that's least blurry, I have my eyes closed in.  I am my mother's daughter...
Before leaving for this trip, I got some of our Pioneer Library System "swag" from my boss and the Info Services manager at our branch to take to the folks working the San Antonio Public Library's table in the "Kids Planet" section of  Comic Con.  They seemed pleased to be remembered by their fellow soldiers in the cause of literacy, and I had my picture made with their mascot!
This is the "swag" I took to the San Antonio librarians.  A Pete the Cat bag with I love my library mints in it, a PLS cup, pens, stylus pens, bookmmarks, and an unbrella

Me and the SAPL mascot.  Sorry, I didn't catch the name!  They had an awesome booth with cool activities for kids, teens, and even a few for adults! Great job SAPL!

There were so many people walking around in really cool costumes, but Saturday especially,  it was SO crowded, and we were short of time between events, that we couldn't get pictures made of them.
The con was a really great event.  They grew so quickly though, they need a bit more logistical know how, and they need to make maps that are oriented around where they are in the building, so people can figure out which way they need to go.  The volunteers and staff were unfailingly polite, and the staff were usually pretty knowledgeable, but the volunteers weren't always well briefed, though they'd go find someone to ask if they didn't know the answer.
Can't say enough good things about the staff at the Grand Hyatt.  Very attentive, very helpful, and the hotel looked great, and our stay was most comfortable.

The trip home was marred only by being SO LONG.  There was a traffic jam up due to ongoing construction before we got to Fort Worth, but after that, it was smooth sailing, and we took our time.  We stopped at Outback Steakhouse in Ft. Worth, and I had a Blood orange 'Rita with my burger.  (Thank God Matt was driving so I could indulge!)
We made  our obligatory stop at Chickasaw Travel Stop near Davis, so we could pick up some more Bedre Chocolate.  ALWAYS stop, both coming and going to and from Texas, because it is clean, the people are pleasant and helpful, and they have that wonderful chocolate for sale.

We got home around 10:30 pm or so on Sunday night.  Tired, but happy, and then we had to unload the car and put all that stuff away!
I have con swag for my coworkers, I gotta put the flair back on my lanyard and add the three new pieces I got, and figure out where I'm gonna display the new photos I have...
Finally got Ron to sign my book.  I'm keeping that inscription close to my heart.  So very sweet, and special to me.

All in all, a really great trip, and the only other hitch was discovered this morning as I was finishing my unpacking.  I went to get ready to walk, and realized I hadn't seen my Motorola Buds since Saturday.  Seems I left them by the safe in the hotel room.  Sigh.  Oh, well, they were about two years old, and had definitely seen better days.  Ordered replacements for a lot less than we paid for those.  Same exact thing, too.

I will be smiling about this trip for a long time to come.
Thanks, Matt, world's greatest husband! I love you even more than I did 31 years ago.
Thanks to Ron Perlman, The Man Himself, who is just awesome, and well, I love ya big guy.  You know that.
Thanks to Michael Ornstein, for being so kind,and original, and well, you know I love you, too, right?  After all, we are both survivors of being stuck in airplanes with pilots who thought they were comedians... ;-)

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