Monday, August 10, 2015

It's Been A Month...

Exactly one month ago, on July 10, I fell while out walking and gravely insulted my right hamstring. 
The bruise I got from that fall succeeded in creeping out more people than most zombies do. 
The bruise is completely gone now.  I am almost back to normal.  The leg still tires a little sooner than I'd like, and I am still going to Physical Therapy twice a week, but that may change soon.  Each time I go, I am given more difficult exercises to do. 
My walks are still not up to the length or the speed I want them to be.  I walk about a mile and a half each day now, and I was doing four or five miles before I fell.  I was also managing to maintain a quicker pace than I can right now.  It's getting better, though.  Saturday and today were both longer and faster walks than I've been able to do since the fall.  I am also back to my free weight workouts four times a week, plus a few exercises added by my physical therapist. 

I'll get there, it's just going to take awhile.  I don't want to push it too hard and end up straining the muscle, or God forbid, falling again.

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