Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Fall Has Fallen, Or Autumn Comes Tumbling In

There are a few sure signs that the seasons have changed around here.  Oh, yeah, the obvious ones like leaves turning colors and falling, and cooler nights, but there are other things that really mark the change for me.
This evening I put the heated mattress pad on the bed.  A major ordeal, and only undertaken after a night when crawling into bed was like getting into an icebox because of cold sheets.  (Our room is on the north end of the house, we really need to re-do the attic insulation.  SOON.)  Last night was one such night.  I was so cold at first, I couldn't get comfortable.  (Then, of course, the first hot flash of the night hit, and I threw all the covers off, but I digress...)
So, tonight, I decided I didn't want that shock when getting into bed.  The process of putting this mattress pad on the bed is not as straightforward as one might think.  It involves threading electrical cords under our bed, where some large flat items are stored, and always, without fail, I forget about the center support legs for the bed frame, and have to re-thread the cords around it or one of us won't be able to reach the controller on our side of the bed.
I managed to manhandle the mattress pad onto the bed itself, top it with another mattress pad to protect it, put the regular bedding back in place, and get the stupid thing all hooked up and working without resorting to any of my Pop's "magic words".  (Those that would work for him, but backfire bigtime if any of us kids used them. )
Doing this really made me miss our cat, Madame Skye.  She used to LOVE that heated mattress pad.  She'd crawl up on the bed as soon as I turned it on each evening, and snuggle between the pillows we pile on top of the bed to heat the top sheet as well. 
This is the sight I am missing tonight.  No Madame curled up on the foot of the bed, soaking in the warmth.  

I have also dug out the cold weather clothes, and wore my tweed coat for the first time today.  I have yet to haul out the big green wool coat that I have had since 1990, but the day isn't far off.  I've gotten the turtleneck sweaters out, and the sweats and warmup pants for my workouts.  Our electric bills will go down, and our gas bill is on the way up.  (Though we keep it about 66 in here during the day, 61 at night because we don't mind the cold when we're asleep.  Once we get warm, that is.) We wear sweaters and have lots of throws around the house to snuggle up in.  (And my Nook e-reader has the added bonus of producing a little bit of heat, so when I curl up to read, I stay warm and toasty!)

I love being able to wear my sweaters again.  Added bonus this year that since I have lost weight, the nice sweaters that were a little too tight last year fit really well this year.  I am afraid I do have Holiday sweaters, but most of them are not of the gaudy ugly variety.  I can't help myself, I think I taught in the primary grades too long.  

I also have a black and white Fair Isle type sweater that I wore today.  Nice and warm, and sometimes too warm.  Variations on a cardigan, and you know library ladies just can't resist cardigans.  We need them.  Too warm for a sweater in the back when moving books around, too cold without one when seated at a desk for a long time.  Yes, the cardigan is the library lady's best friend.
Just be glad I cut all my hair off.  I no longer put my braid up in a bun and stick a pencil in it.  (Oh, yes, I used to do that.  Thank God there are no pictures!)

The begonias on the front porch have finally been frost bit enough to wilt.  So soon the Autumn yard clean up will have to begin, and we'll let the oak and pecan leaves fill the herb and flower beds to provide free mulch.  Works every year so far.  

Time for me to end this post.  Another sign of cooler weather.  My body protests sitting still too long.  I get cold, joints get stiff and sore. Time for some herb tea before bed.


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