Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Tuesday Morning Jots

Reading Bukowski's writings on cats first thing in the morning is probably not the sanest thing to do. So full  of the savagery and the beauty of life - the enigma that is the cat.
No worse than reading the Bible, I suppose.
The Bible is also full of savagery, and beauty.
All the truest observations about this life God made.  Man in all his cruelty, Nature in its absolute adherence to the laws set forth for it.
Perhaps that is the lesson.
Nature's laws are often brutal- kill or be killed- you are either Predator or Prey - Humans are SUPPOSED to be better, supposed to have mercy, because God has Mercy, and we are supposed to be made in God's image.
Isn't that the whole of the Bible right there? The call to humans to  live up to the truth of their creation, after all?

Just my random Tuesday morning before serious caffeine thoughts.  Your mileage may (and probably should) vary.

Fighting through a bit of malaise
These last few days
Emotionally feeling like shit
Not much of life seeming to fit
My friends are the same
Some too quiet, some too game
The few just right
Know my trouble at first sight.
My love just leaves me be with it
Having learned over the years that it
Isn't something he can fix
That unborn words are part of this mix
Frustration more than sadness
Is at the heart of this madness
And All will soon be well again
Once I can take up my pen.

(All written by C.K.Armistead February 9, 2016)

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