Saturday, June 1, 2013

Fear and Loathing of the Weather

It has been 11 days since my city was hit by a strong tornado.  People are still picking up the pieces, trying to find new places to stay, trying to get to a new place called "normal." 
Unfortunately, the weather does not appear willing to help this process.  They are threatening us with severe thunderstorms again this afternoon and evening, and especially during the time when I have committments and have to be out and about. 
One of those committments may be deleted if the weather is too active.  I do NOT want my 12 year old but in pristine condition car to be totalled by hail.  I will NOT get enough from insurance to replace it.  Besides, they don't make Focus station wagons anymore, and I LOVE my car.  It has been the perfect vehicle for me.  Also, I really don't want to be away from home if a tornado is threatening. 
I cannot believe that anyone will even keep events on the schedule in Moore if the weather is threatening.  Too many people are on their last nerve.  There is such a thing as too much stress. 
I may have to postpone my haircut also, even though it is for earlier in the day.  I just really don't want to be away from my house when the weather is like this.  We don't have a shelter, but if I have to die, I'd rather die in my own house.  I'd rather be where I know what I'm looking at.

Thankfully, one of my appointments this late afternoon was cancelled, and the other was moved up, so now I am home again.  I have the closet cleaned out, I know where the cat carriers are, I have the cats locked out of the bedroom, so they can't hide under the bed where I can't get them.

Now I need for Matthew to get home safely, and we will be all right.

The wall to wall weather coverage has begun, and I bet the Lost Ogle folks will be declaring the Drinking Game on soon.  It is looking rather scary out west.  Just hope they continue to go north of us.  This poor town is full of damaged homes and scared people who just really don't need the stress caused by this weather.
It doesn't help that the ever-clueless rail road is running train after train through Moore right now, effectively cutting the city in two and trapping a bunch of folks on the main east-west roads through town.  Only S 19th and N27th have a way under the train, and those are already congested areas.
You'd think they'd get their trains parked somewhere and their crews to safety.  The EF-5 in '99 threw loaded rail cars around like they were toys.

Watching what may be a tornado, or may not, going through OKC between us and downtown.  It appears to be north of us at this time.  

Back, and on my nook tablet as we have no power other than our small generator that is running the refrigerator and the home terminal for the wi-fi  We have no damage that we can see, and around the neighborhood, the worst damage around  here is fences and some dead (mostly small) tree limbs down.
Once again, it's GOOD to live in Foxfire.  Now, if we could just get the power back on, it'd be perfect.  There are undoubtedly lots of crews out working on that, but the outages are widespread.
Our foster cats have decided that things are just about all right.  They did greatly resent being put in kennels and crammed into a closet with us, our small electronics and lots of pillows.  So far, they appear almost normal, behavior wise.

I grow weary of the inconveniences, but then I remember that so many are facing so much worse.  I am very fortunate indeed.
Keeping calm and Okie -ing on here in Moore.
As Ever,

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