Monday, July 25, 2011

Just Surviving

People always ask "How are you?" when they haven't seen you for awhile.  Well, what with 20+ days at or over 100 degrees, (today was the first cloudy, cooler (only 89 so far) day we've had in a LONG time), the Congress trying to sell us all down the river in favor of the big corporations, and new software starting this week at the library, I am surviving, but only just. 

There is a new series of mysteries that I enjoyed very much, alas, the publisher is hemming and hawing about publishing any more of them, the author has many other irons in the fire, and well, those of us who are on pins and needles over the cliffhanger at the end of the last one are just out of luck.  For those of you who are interested, the series is called the Psalm 23 Mysteries by Debbie Viguie.  First one is The Lord Is My Shepherd, next comes I Shall Not Want, and then Lie Down In Green Pastures.  I read the last one first, but it works much better if you start with the first one!  If you (like me) could use a little escapist fiction that isn't too taxing but will give you a bit of something to think about, this series is for you.   (And PLEASE, Ms. Viguie, find a way to finish it whether or NOT the publishers pick it up!!)

Here are links to the books on Barnes and Noble:  The Lord Is My ShepherdI Shall Not Want , Lie Down In Green Pastures

I have to go bake some oatmeal cookies now.  I am sending them in a care package for our technology team who are wrestling all this week with migrating our database to the new software, and they trying to fix all the little glitches,  snags, and just plain blowups that will more than likely come up as we go live with it.  They need our prayers and support, and they also need cookies.

As for me, as long as the rain comes back and keeps us cooler, and Congress gets its collective head out of its collective behind, I should be fine.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you are hanging in there!
    Makes it hard to be excited about baking when it's THAT hot!
    I am making these right now :

    and they are FABULOUS! The two year old next door is a banana LOVER so he will surely enjoy them :)
    Happy Monday!


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