Friday, February 29, 2008

Birthdays, Gadgets, New Browsers and Other Discomforts of Modern Life

Today is the last actual day of my paid vacation from the library. I have enjoyed it. I did not get as much accomplished as I had hoped to, but I got a lot of corners cleaned out and this has made my life easier and myself more comfortable.
I took the week off in honor of my birthday. Being another year older doesn't really bother me, I mean, it beats the only available alternative. I just don't like the fact that I am getting older and presumably weaker as the world gets weirder and weirder. If gasoline gets much more expensive, we are going to have to find a public transportation system that Americans will actually use. It is going to have to go everywhere, and have a reliable and convenient schedule.
Actually, I think if we are allowed to shoot SUVs and render them useless to their owners, we will be a long way toward solving the problem. It will get rid of a lot of road rage too, by removing the large, dangerous vehicles driven by idiots. (Who else but an idiot would be driving something that big with gas prices this high?)
On the gadget front, I am enjoying both my MP3 player and my new cell phone. It is a camera phone, and I have yet to take a picture of my ear, as the old joke goes. I have several albums on my MP3 player, and a few photos. I have several ring tones on my phone, alas, it does not seem to allow the assignment of ring tones to individuals, as even when you set it up that way, the general ring tone is what you get.
We are both now using Firefox for web browsing. I like it all right so far. I wish I could use it for the bank site, but they are Exploder specific. (Stupid people. Exploder has more security holes than almost anything else out there, but they fall for Microsoft's propaganda every time.)
I suppose that is all the angst I can come up with for today. Time to finish dinner before my husband comes home.

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